The ABC Successipe to Making in Great in Two Zero One Eight (2018)…
Don’t get penalized & ostracized because of too much Pride…
Ok to Share it you Dare to show you Care…
The ABC Successipe to Making in Great in Two Zero One Eight (2018)…
Don’t get penalized & ostracized because of too much Pride…
Ok to Share it you Dare to show you Care…
Expectations & Reality makes for a Nasty Collision…
Don’t let the Grind put you Behind…
No “if’s”, “And’s” or “Butt’s”… Work your Butt Off!!!
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care… 😉
Background music by Kenny “G” song “Silhouette” is always a hit to fill-in the gaps of silence and support a Daily Nugget worth sharing.
Tough year? Well, I’ve got two words for you. “Keep Going”… Your “it” is NOT Finished yet! Life goes on…
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care…
When life throws you a curve-ball, plant your feet, square your shoulders, hold your chin up and KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK!!! SMACKKKK!!!
In the morning, don’t just make up your face, choose to make up your mind that your Attitude will stay Positive NO MATTER WHAT!
Adversity comes to test your resolve and it’s NEVER, EVER, EVER, Convenient. So don’t get ready, “stay ready” to conguer. 😉
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care…
Hope you made some memories that will keep you warm and fuzzy in your golden years.