Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Want to stay Motivated, Inspirated and just plain-ole’ Fired up and Focused in a world full of distractions and drama?

Well, I’d love to send you a FREE copy of as many of my best selling books as you’d like, they have already been purchased by someone and the ONLY thing you have to do is agree to Pay-it Forward by purchasing the same amount of books that will be given away in your name to someone else.

Yep, it’s that simple. I am so honored to see people all over the world are wanting to participate in this “Pay-it-Forward” Kindness & Compassion Campaign. To get your FREE book and pay-it-forward, just go to:


For some unknown reason it appears that I’ve been bumping into a lot of generous, giving people lately. You know the kind that are quick to give someone else the power to govern and dictate their emotions, sometimes even a perfect stranger.

That’s right my friends many of us may be generous and giving with a lot of things but giving up the power to negatively affect our day should never be one of them. It even appears that some of us may even have a special knack for taking things personal and a special ability to easily be offended by what others say and display.

So as a result, my unsolicited advice today is simply “Don’t let this be you…”

I sincerely believe that life’s too short and precious to give someone else the power & permission to make you have a crappy day with the words they say or the actions they display. So, be generous and giving with a lot of things but NOT this one. I’m gonna keep my joy under lock and key so no one can ever take it away from me and I hope you do the same.

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


One of the most Amazing Gifts this side of heaven is the ability to know when to just Shut Up. But unfortunately few possess it.

That’s right my friends the notion of “having to have the last word” is severely overrated, for he/she who can not control his/her tongue may soon find themselves forfeiting their freedom or peace of mind.

So, if you find yourself with a slight shadow of doubt,
Stop and just Shut Up and let the other person figure it out.

We can tame a dog and tame a cat,
Or even tame a frog and tame a rat.
But the single most toughest thing to hold back is our tongue.
So don’t you be a guilty one.

We can’t afford to let our loose lips sink our ships.
So, keep your boat afloat and know when to close up your throat so you can Make it GREAT! 🙂



Have you ever felt like you’re overwhelmed losing your sanity and religion trying to keep your team, employees or business partners motivated, inspirated and focused and fired up? Well, I know how you feel.

May I suggest to you that Volume 2 of my newest book/masterpiece “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” was specifically designed to do just that. This Daily Devotional-Style Personal Development book really can be the Tylenol, Advil and Motrin for your migraine headaches and pain.

Take advantage of our 100K Giveaway TODAY by getting you a FREE book mailed to you. All you have to do is agree to “Pay-it-Forward”. This has been dubbed our Pay-it-Forward Kindness Campaign promoting Human Kindness in the year 2016 and we need your help.

Go to my website, for more info and I hope you decide to join us as we attempt to make this “good” life “GREAT”!!! I sincerely hope we can count on you to do your part no matter how big or how small.

Let’s make this year sooooo AWESOME that last year gets insanely jealous.


And, always Ok to share if you dare… 😉


Conversation with my Baby-Girl…

Me: “Chayse-Marie, I’m gonna place 10,000 books into the hands of 10,000 people in 2016.”

Chayse: “Ok…”

Me: “That was NOT the response I expected from you. Do I need to ‘Add a Zero’ in order to make you skeptical?”

Chayse: “No…”

Me: “Well, why do you say ‘No’?”

Chayse: “Because anything’s possible if you want it bad enough.”

Me: Whoahhhh… I guess you’ve been paying attention at my speaking events. 😉

Chayse: “Of course Dad!”

Me: “LOL – LOL – LOL Baby-girl you’re AMAZING!!!”

So with those words I kicked-off the “Add a Zero” Motivational Tour to place 100,000 books into the hands of 100,000 people in 2016. Yes that’s right folks I chose to “Add a Zero” to Make it GREAT!!!

So, do you have a number goal to Have More, See More, Give More or Be More? Hmmm… Well, I don’t think your goal is big enough. You may need to “ADD a Zero” and Make it GREAT!!!

A large part of the proceeds generated by this 100,000 book blast will go to support the St. Jude Children’s Hospital and The Wounded Warriors Foundation and I need your help by committing to invest in at least one book that’s sure to make you T.A.L.L.E.R. in the days ahead. Think-Act-Laugh-Learn-Excel & Reflect.

So, can I count on you to help me spread an epidemic of Human Kindness and Compassion with Volume 2 of my New Book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT”? Hmmm… Thanks in advance for your “Yes” to doing your part. This is gonna be HUGE!!!

Order NOW and tell a friend. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

ADD a Zero!!!

Order NOW:

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book