Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Ok friends, I regret to inform you that I’ve reluctantly decided that I will be taking a long hiatus/absence from my blog and social media content creation because of the external pressures and drama all around me at this time.

Just kidding… LOL 🙂

You will NEVER, EVER see or hear those words come out of my mouth because I know that “Evil” would love nothing more than for those of us who would try to do “Good” to exit all social media and cyber-platforms so that “Evil” can go-about doing its negative dirty-work unchallenged by the positive.

So to that I say, “NEVER GONNA HAPPEN BUDDY!!!” I’ll never say “Uncle” and wave the white flag of surrender and exit this space, so I guess it’s fair to say that you’re stuck with me. Ha-Ha-Ha-Haaaa (in my sinister laugh).

You know, I could use a little bit of help too, so feel free to adopt the same commitment to continue to do “Good” and create value for others no matter what the situations or circumstances surrounding you and let’s keep working to Make it GREAT!



Finding yourself wanting to text people more than talking to them lately? Well, you’re not alone. I’ll be the first to admit that I have to intentionally stop myself from texting and dial a number so that I can actually engage in a verbal conversation with people.

I swear that this new technology stuff is making me lazy in the physical socialization category. So I’m fighting to hold on to my old southern chivalrous qualities that I once held dear.

I would still much rather hear your voice than to read your text. I would much rather hug your neck than to shake your hand. Let’s walk to the park and have a home-cooked meal instead of drive to the corner to get a big bag through a small window. Let’s talk as strangers in a waiting room rather than go blind staring at our “Smart”-phones that are probably making us “Dumb” and uninviting to others.

Yes my friends these simple things can definitely help us to stay connected with each other in a world that’s trying to rip us socially apart. Now, don’t get me wrong, new advances in technology are becoming more and more awesome but meaningful relationships can and should be maintained and sustained outside of electronic mediums in a World-Wide-Wacky-Wild-Web.

So, I encourage you NOT to fall for the “Okie-Doke-Joke” of technological progress. Stay ever-so-loyal to the meaningful interactions of the “real” world and you just might find yourself Making it GREAT!



On this day at approximately this exact time 21 years ago I met this gal named Karen Ice in a night club on the Las Vegas Strip next to the Fat Burger and MGM Hotel.

She was a California PK (Preachers Kid) who’s eyes were as Ice-Blue as her last name and I was a good-ole’-fashioned 8-day-a-week church-going, Southern Pentecostal boy from Dallas, Texas. We had both been told that we would never find “the marrying type” in a club. Well, I’m glad we didn’t let that stop us from looking, LOL.

Truth be told, we weren’t actually looking at the time but as fate would have it, we stumbled into each other and are still here today disproving the old myth of “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”. A happenstance-chance-meeting I think not. God was actually up to something in that night club of all places, LOL…

Yes we happened in Vegas but didn’t stay. A good, clean, old-fashioned gal made an honest man out of me and I’ve been smiling every since. This gal is not only good “to me” but she’s also good “for me” and I’m not sure where I’d be or what I’d be without her.

Thanks Karen for NOT believing the lie of where you wouldn’t find the right guy. 😉

I just had to share……..
May 28th, 1994 @ approx. 10:15 pm (PST), the date of a match made in Heaven.


Was having a candid conversation at our favorite spot (The Rocket Shop) today with my mentor and good-friend Retired Two-Star General James T. Whitehead (I just call him Jim). He just returned from China where he was finally able to witness a dream of his finally becoming a reality. They just opened the first museum of its kind in China honoring the “Flying Tigers” of World War II.

“It was a goose-bump experience that I won’t soon forget.” he said as he smiled with pride. “I could only be so lucky to create something that leaves such an impact on this world as what you’ve been able to be a part of doing.” I said.

After hearing this he sat up in his chair, adjusted his glasses, leaned forward, looked me straight in my eyes and told me the following words that not only made my day, but also made my week month and maybe even year.

He said, “The achievements that I’ve accomplished can only go so far and last so long, but what you’re doing Cedric has to do with the mind and the planting of principles and philosophies and this my friend becomes like the pebble in the pond that creates a ripple that is capable of resonating far and wide through many families for generations to come.”

WOW!!! You’re right Jim. Sometimes I just need to be reminded of why what I do is impactful and important. Thanks Buddy. Your “What if” has now become your “What is” and I will definitely continue on my journey to Making it GREAT!

I just had to share…

So why do you do what you do? Do you need a mentor to remind you too? No need to answer the question here, just make sure you’re crystal clear. Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


If the question is, “Are you out of your mind?” My answer is, “Absolutely, and proud of it!”

After many years of doing it all wrong, I finally can say that I’m no longer leading with what makes since to me in my head, but now I lead with what means most in my heart. So, am I out of my mind? I say, “Yes sir indeed I am!!!”

I invite you to consider making the same transition and going out-of-your-mind and getting into your heart and begin to let it lead the way. Don’t be surprised where it ends up taking you. Let’s make this Mothers-Day weekend so AWESOME that last weekend gets insanely jealous!!!


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book