Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

While talking with one of my friends a few days ago I was suddenly reminded of an undercover phenomenon that is quietly leading to the demise of our great country. He didn’t actually say it but I felt it as our conversation drifted to a topic that is starting to impact him and his family directly.

The strength of this phenomenon lies in the fact that it’s actually disguised as something “good” and the notion that we should all strive for it at almost any cost is wreaking havoc on families around the globe.

So what is this phenomenon you ask? Well, I invite you to consider that even the greatest amount of “Success” on any job can never ever bridge the gap and make up for failure and extended absence in the home.

Now here’s where I put a “period (.)” and let you chew on this thought and think about how you will become the exception and find an acceptable balance and compromise to Make it GREAT……. Or just continue on with your business as usual.


(Here’s a hint: “They’re worth it…”
My Book:


After having many conversations with friends, family members and foe’s over the years, I’ve observed one pretty interesting phenomenon that exist. It appears that at times trying to help someone can oftentimes be easily confused with trying to control them especially when it comes to people you share the same last name with.

For those of you who have children or relatives that are engaging in negative, destructive behavior and are in need of a little positive support and stimulation and motivation from time-to-time, be aware that nothing’s going to change until the person in question is ready to change.

Hang in there and take heart knowing that they’re just one firm, fair and consistent loving adult away from becoming another success story. So parents, be encouraged today and hang in there long enough for their willingness to change shows up. They’ll be glad you did and you will too.

Let’s keep Making it GREAT!


Was chatting with one of my group-home boys the other day while cruising around town and as we drove by the local aquatic center we saw several people swimming in the pool. He then asked, “How deep is the water there?” Before I could answer the question this thought suddenly popped into my mind and I found myself making the following statement, “You can’t swim, huh?” “Noooo… No one’s ever taught me how to swim.” he said timidly.

As a result of this casual conversation, it got me to thinking about how this represents a similar parallel in life. Those of us who have developed the confidence to overcome our challenges and adversity in life no longer ask “how did this happen” or “why me”. We just say “Let’s Get it DONE!” “Let’s Push Past the Pain!” “Come-on Let’s GOOOO!” They realize that it doesn’t matter how deep it is, what we want is on the other side of fear and adversity so let’s jump in and swim-on over.

I want to take this opportunity to encourage those who have not yet learned how to swim to find you a mentor or life coach that can teach you some techniques to build your confidence level to get you from point “A” to where you want to “B” in life so you can “C” your way past “D, F & G” and Make it GREAT!


Me and my big brother Zimbalis. Yes that’s right, I did say “Zimbalis”. I don’t know what my Mom and Dad were thinking when they cooked that name up. Well, at least he can honestly say that his name is shared only by a hand full of others in the universe. LOL

He’s commonly referred to as 2nd Born and I’m of course 3rd Born for those of you who know us best. I don’t get to see much of him since he’s in Big “D” (Dallas, Texas) and I live out here on the West Coast in sunny California, but when we’re together it seems like we just pick right back up as if we have never been apart. I must say that I really love that fact about all of my brothers.

Yes we’re only one year and 16 days apart and we’re both a little-bit older now, but with age we can also say that we’re a lotta-bit wiser and our advise to you today is to maintain a mental connection with your siblings that geographical boundaries and distances can never break. After all, friends may come and go but you can never get another sister or bro.

So, do you need to rebuild a relationship anytime soon with that sibling of yours? Please don’t answer out loud, just make us proud and stand out from the crowd and go Make it GREAT!!!


If I’ve said “No” to speaking at your event, please don’t hold it against me I’m just trying to practice what I preach. Sure I could be speaking at a different event almost every day of the week as I travel around the world if that was truly my goal. But this action would actually take me away from my family on an extremely regular basis and my actions then in my eyes would make me extremely hypocritical.

I truly believe that family should be all of our primary priority and if we have any control in our career we should always, always, always era on the side of being there for our family on an extremely regular basis. No it’s not all about the money you make, it’s more about the time you take, the memories you make and the legacy you create.

This breadcrumb of wisdom can be a tough one to swallow, but tough is sometimes necessary so eat up and go up. 🙂

Let’s stay committed to keeping the main thing the “main thing” as we continue in our unyielding efforts to Make it GREAT!


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book