Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

To the broken-hearted, the broken-bodied and the broken-spirited, I have prayed for you today and received an answer of, “This too shall pass…”

Yes my friends, this too shall pass because tough times don’t last so remain steadfast. I encourage you to HANG-ON IN THERE until your change comes because indeed our grace and merciful God is “for us” and NOT “against us”. He doesn’t plot & plan to bring us down, He schemes & dreams to bring us up so hang-on in there I say because it want be long now, you’ll make it through somehow.

So try to smile as you ache for soon you can Make it GREAT!!!



History has shown us all over and over again that majority vote and popular opinion Does NOT always automatically equal “Truth” and what’s right. So, just because many or saying it and displaying it shouldn’t automatically make us okay with it.

If we’re not careful the popular views of society can bully and boss us into a boxed-way of thinking that strips us of our morals, values and even beliefs that we once held dear. Thus, if society is going to the “left” I encourage you to stay true to what makes you “You” because standing for something keeps you from falling for just any-ole’ thing.

So rather its profit, power, position or politics, stick to your guns to the daylight comes as you continue to live, love and Make it GREAT!


After experiencing a traumatic event in our life some of us may suffer from a form of what doctors and psychologist call PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). But I’ve observed in life some of those who manage to bounce back from their trauma receiving what I call PTSP (Post Traumatic Strength & Power).

That’s right folks many have gained a new form of strength and power after their challenging life event and managed to turn their life-altering Trauma into their Triumph. In addition, it appears that they continue to gain strength and power by boldly sharing their story of struggle, strain, heartache and pain with others who suffer as they do/did.

Yes my friends I believe this is indeed the epitome and essence of what it truly means to Make it GREAT!!! So dare to take your lemons in life and make sweet lemonade and serve it to the world in the form of your testimony and let’s all continue in our undying efforts to Make it GREAT!!!

GREAT WEEK Young Grasshoppers!!! 😉


Strange things to be thankful for from

– Unanswered prayer.
(Answered prayer would’ve sent me in the wrong direction.)

– Friends that weren’t there for me when I needed them most.
(Getting through it myself made me stronger.)

– Distractions.
(I needed to take my mind off the hurt, strain, struggle & pain.)

– Delays.
(I needed to be groomed & pruned for my current position.)

– Being told, “No…”
(When a “Yes” would’ve gotten me into BIG trouble.)

– For others NOT listening to me and following my advice.
(Because I was wrong.)


People don’t leave ‘jobs’, they leave Bully-Bosses, Mean-Managers, Outrageous-Owners, Crazy Co-workers and Mediocre-Money for services rendered. So, keep your workplace void of these things and watch your employees sore.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book