During this month exactly 10 years ago this family picture was taken in our backyard pool area with a view that could take your breath away. Now 10 years later my youngest is now the same age that my oldest was in this photo and the change of the years has brought with it so many other changes in our lives.
It’s amazing how a Blessing can be hidden in a Bankruptcy, a new Faith can be found in a Firing and an amazing Comeback can be concealed in an untimely Setback. The surprise is that through it all I’ve learned that sometimes we have to be pushed a few steps back so we can be prepared to take a few giant leaps forward and now life is absolutely GREAT! And, nope I wouldn’t change a single thing about the process to getting to where I’m at today. 🙂
I truly believe that in this “life” thing there’s a reason for every single season. So I encourage you today to think it NOT strange and be it NOT surprised if your best blessing lies inside of an unexpected slide. Or, your renewed faith is found in an unfavorable fall or failure. Just pick yourself back up so you can move-on up and claim your stake to again Make it GREAT! Don’t wish to get the old days back, work to make the new days better. 😉