That’s it!!! Enough is Enough!!! I’m gonna have to call the cops because there’s just too much stealing going on in my neighborhood.
Yep that’s right friends, somebody is about to get arrested LAPD style and drug-off to the pokey kicking and screaming and that somebody is these disrespectful “Joy-Stealers” I’m seeing here and there and everywhere nowadays. It’s about time that these rude, crude, prude dudes and dudettes be held accountable for their flagrant actions and disregard for others around them.
As far as I’m concerned stealing in any form is a crime and joy-stealing-thieves need to do the time or at least be made to pay a hefty fine. So if you’re letting your rough day get in the way of you being merry and gay and getting caught-up in the fray of causing others dismay, you better get ready to pay or be thrown in the pokey for a loooong stay. The Popo has been issued a BOLO (Be On the Look Out) and the “Joy-Stealers” gotta go. 🙂
Keep your joy in whatever you do and don’t let anyone steal it away from you with a harsh comment or inconsiderate action or two. Simply put, don’t let someone’s untimely offense put you on the defense and don’t let someone steal your joy just because they lost theirs. Just smile and move on humming your happy song as you try to get-along.
This breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely keep you on the path to Making it GREAT!
Watch your back “JOY-STEALERS”!!!