I showed up unannounced at the gym today in search of one of my old friends whom I hadn’t hung out with in a few weeks. I knew he would be there hanging out in his usual areas so he wouldn’t be very hard to find. This friend is definitely one of those rare friends of mine that I have a love/hate relationship with but he’s guaranteed to always produce results in me in more ways than one.
Many of you may know this friend of mine and may also have similar stories of how he’s helped you to produce desired results too in the past. For those of you who haven’t quite figured out who this friend of mine is yet, please allow me to introduce you to him. His name is PAIN.
Yep that’s right my friends, good-ole’ Pain is his name and he also has a couple of cousins named Adversity and Strain and I’ve found that they too are equally as talented at producing results and making me better.
I encourage you to get to know these cousins Pain, Adversity and Strain on a personal basis because it’s there you will eventually find the GAIN you seek.
Now get-on out there and Make it GREAT!!!