Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Over the years I’ve continued to read a variety of different content and watch and listen to a myriad of different speakers and I’ve realized a few irrefutable facts that have given me a bit more clarity as it relates to the spoken and written word and the actions of people.

These irrefutable facts that I’ve realized and recognized have all been categorized under a philosophy that I call “Just Because” and I invite you to take a quick peek at my findings. Here goes:

“Just because” someone took the time and effort to write something down doesn’t automatically mean that it is accurate and valid. “Just because” someone is speaking words from a perceived position of authority doesn’t’ automatically mean that the words they’re speaking are accurate and true. And, “just because” many people are choosing to engage in specific actions doesn’t automatically mean that those actions are right.

I invite you to consider the fact that we all have been endowed by our Creator and given independent thought and the natural ability to reason and discern what has the “ring-of-truth” and those who ever try to take that ability away from you should always be looked upon with an eye of scrutiny as to their real intentions. The scary reality is that the day we give these endowments and abilities up is the day that we give-way to the rise of slavery, servitude and oppression at the hands of another who is our equal.

To that end, I encourage you to hold-fast to your rights and ability to think independently and listen for the distinctive “ring-of-truth”. In a world that’s becoming more and more filled with informational noise and written chaos, we have to commit to never relinquish our God-given endowment to discern truth for ourselves no matter what the cost. So go ahead and “trust” but don’t be afraid to “verify”, and never ever forget that righteous and just actions may not always be popular and the most popular actions may not always be righteous and just.

Don’t expect the adoption of this philosophy to win you any new friends because in some cases and circumstances it can be a bit controversial, but I encourage you to do it anyway, “just because” it’s your right. Simply put, don’t be afraid to question the message or the messenger even if that message is coming from me. 🙂

Let’s keep leaning forward and continue in our noble efforts to Make it GREAT!


Shaving Photo - Cedric on PotentialThe strangest thing happened to me today. I was trying to double task by talking on the phone and shaving at the same time.

After rubbing my face with a few strokes of my electric shaver I started to wonder why it wasn’t cutting my hair. Then I realize that I hadn’t turned it on. LOL…

This action got me to thinking about how this could relate to our “potential” and as a result, I would like to invite you to consider the following:

There’s a distinct difference between the “potential” to do something and actually getting it done. We all have the potential to do something special in this “life” thing, but potential means absolutely nothing if we don’t decide to use it.

So just as with the electric shaver not doing its job until I turned it on, so too is our potential absolutely useless until we utilize it.

Just a little food for thought today before you call it a night.

Don’t let that awesome potential of yours go to waste.

Make it Great!


So have you figured out what’s it gonna be yet? Is it gonna be History, Mystory or Yourstory?

His story is already history and My story is still a mystery, but Your story could be an inspiration for the entire world to see. To achieve noteworthy results, Your story will require “taking” and NOT “making”. That’s right my friends, taking control and NOT making excuses.

So be encouraged today and make no excuses as you aggressively take back control of your actions and attitude about this “life” thing. Press-on forward in the days ahead and craft Your story and be sure to Make it GREAT! Then tell me all about it in your next book. 😉

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As I look around and continue to take this world in I oftentimes find myself feeling like I need to call CPS (Child Protective Services) on a lot of adults that I come into contact with in my line of business as a Peak Performance Specialist and Personal Development Coach, but not for the reasons you may normally think.

I need to notify CPS because I’ve noticed that many people’s inner-child is constantly being abused and neglected by their outer-adult. I know this may sound a bit strange but trust me, our inner-child usually knows best when it comes to our true inner-most passions.

Think back to the time as a child when you didn’t have a care or concern in the world and you were free to really dream and imagine and explore and create without fear of failure, folly or ridicule from others. In fact at times we may have even been applauded and encouraged by the adults in our life. Then somewhere along the path to adulthood ourselves we started to suppress and repress the inner-connection of our true passions experienced firsthand at the young, tender age of our inner-child.

So to that end, I’d like to encourage you today to stop neglecting that inner-child of yours or I just might have to call CPS. 😉 Don’t be afraid to let that inner-child version of you re-emerge and lead the way to uncovery and discovery in the area of your true passion so you can get to making it GREAT!

It worked for me. 🙂



I was having an interesting PC (Power-Chat) with a good friend the other day and he commented that he couldn’t understand why my social media and blog post rarely seem to get many comments or “likes”. My comment to him left him a bit spun-out and speechless but still nodding his head in agreement.

I simply advised him that any media that’s void of what I call the “4-C’s and excessive V” will always struggle to capture people’s time and attention but that we can’t measure the validity of what we do by the yardstick of acknowledgement, appreciation and approbation of man. If we do, we’re setting ourselves up for huge heartbreak and massive disappointment.

So what is this “4-C’s and excessive V” thing all about? Well, it’s quite simply Criticism, Complaining, Condemnation, Controversy and excessive Vanity.

It’s no secret that negative news, drama and visual eye-candy has been and always will be attention grabbers and headline nabbers. The old notion that “Sex Sells” and “Drama Delivers Dollars” unfortunately will never be completely eradicated from our society for it seems to satisfy an urge, desire and internal-subtle craving that’s at the inner-most core of who we are as human beings. Fighting against this norm can definitely be an uphill battle but the unpopular task is both noble and necessary.

So I continue to press forward controversy free in my efforts to be the exception in spite of the lack of facebook “likes” and blog comment spikes and I invite you to join me in committing to keep the media airwaves and internet highways free of the “4-C’s and excessive V” on our way to Making it GREAT!

AWESOME WEEKEND my friends!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book