I was sitting in church today and our awesome pastor (Kent Pedersen) was revisiting the timeless underdog story of David and Goliath when suddenly I had an interesting thought that came to mind.
Many of you know the story of the fearless little sheep-herder-boy David who singlehandedly defeated the 9-feet-tall giant Goliath, with the swing of a sling and a single smooth stone. On its face this story is about putting your faith in God and no enemy shall prosper against you. But, I felt the urge to dig just a little bit deeper to uncover an even more meaningful nugget.
The bible says that Little David chose five smooth stones from the shore of a small body of water nearby. Because of this fact, one can ponder the question of if David’s faith was so strong, why did he feel he had to choose five stones when all it took was one to do the job? Hmmm…
After a bit of research, I found that this “5-Stone” topic has been an area of debate and conjecture over the years and many have formulated different theory’s and have offered their best opinion since the bible doesn’t address this issue directly. To that end, I invite you to consider the following hypothesis that I’ve come up with.
I believe that little David’s faith was indeed unshakeable in the face of what most would consider as an insurmountable task, but even he knew that while with God’s help it would be possible to defeat the giant with just one stone it would be smart to bring more than just one in case he needed to swing again and again and again to gain his victorious win.
That’s right folks our victory may not always come with just one swing of the sling in life. The chances are we may have to swing, swing and swing again to get that “Win”.
So a good question today is exactly how many times are you willing to swing before you get that victory you seek? How many “No’s” and “No-Show’s” are you willing to endure before you get your “Yes”? Give it some serious thought and be sure to set your number high. You may need more than just a fist full of stones to get where you belong.
So prepare yourself mentally and physically for your worthwhile journey ahead so you can Make it GREAT! David did.