One of my most prized discoveries over the years has hands-down been the discovery of the power of the ‘spoken word.’ The creative use of spoken words can turn unwanted situations and circumstances into desired results and outcomes.
Yes my friends, words are intangible objects that by themselves may have little or no power, but when coupled together in an organized group of other words with a clear intent, they can move mountains.
My favorite book makes a bold statement of affirmation that we should, “call those things that are not as though they were.” Such a proclamation harnesses immeasurable power and if utilized with conviction, certainty and consistent action, what may have once seemed impossible suddenly becomes possible.
Finding this hard to believe? Well, its validity continues to be proven over and over again by those who dare to dream and are willing to work to win.
Here’s the key. We must regularly proclaim and speak out the words of that which we seek and be careful not to let what we currently see with our physical eyes distract us and prevent us from what we desire.
Yes, what we see with our physical eyes has time-and-time again been the red herring and show-stopper for many accomplishing their biggest goals and dreams this side of the universe. But many have undoubtedly harnessed and mastered the ability of looking past their current, undesirable situations and circumstances to focus with laser-beam accuracy on the desired goal. They’ve also been repeatedly found guilty of verbalizing their intentions on a regular basis.
Well, Hallelujah!!! These actions are definitely duplicateable and mastering and implementing these valuable skills will no doubt yield similar results for each of us too. So I say to you today, speak of those things in your life as what they “could be” and with the proper, consistent action over time they will become what they “should be”.
Now let’s continue to boldly speak it out as we attempt to make it GREAT!