Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

In a world that appears to be addicted and infatuated with pushing the envelope and the boundaries of common decency to gain notoriety and recognition, I simply believe that the most gutsy, radical, controversial thing you can do now-a-days is just be your righteous self.

That’s right friends, in a world were rage rules, chaos is king, drama dominates and less morals equal more money, it’s becoming increasingly harder-and-harder for individuals to turn a blind eye to the negative way of the world and hold one’s self to a higher standard.  But we must.

There’s never been another time in history where we need to stand up and be counted for modeling an appropriate behavior for the rest of the world to see.  I truly believe that what’s right aint always popular and what’s popular aint always right and demonizing and villainizing the noble efforts of the “good” and the “righteous” appears to be in vogue.

To this I say, stand your ground you good men and women for evil can only prevail in the absence of those who would do good.  So boldly keep leaning forward and attempting to do good in the days ahead.  No perfect people allowed, just those who’re striving for perfection.  Be encouraged today and continue to spread love in spite of the wild and wicked ways of the world around us and continue in your noble and just efforts to make it GREAT!


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Adversity is an indispensable, unavoidable prerequisite for all things GREAT.  Don’t believe me?  Well, just check your history books or just about any book for that matter.

That’s right folks, the greatest men and women on the planet were like trees whose lives had been constantly watered with the heavy rains of adversity.  But this water is absolutely necessary for those who are seeking to be better and grow stronger in a life that produces positive fruit for the ages.  For only a special kind of fool would seek to grow a tree in the absence of the rain.

So, welcome the rain of adversity I say my friends and prepare the fields of your life to capture and leverage its benefit so that your legacy and outcomes will be something that resembles Greatness.  Let’s go make it GREAT!

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On our Independence day, be sure to celebrate our “interdependence” as well.  That’s right folks, we’re all innately wired for community and to depend on each other for survival for not just our body’s but also our positive mindset.

Don’t miss your opportunity today to recommit to affirming and encouraging your family, friends and even foe’s from time-to-time.  Yes indeed we are a strong nation, but our “interdependence” can make us even stronger bit-by-bit.

So be sure to pitch-in and do your part however big or small it may be. Now, get on out there today and make it GREAT!!!  Happy 4th !!!!!

Universal Studios Hollywood Here We Come!!!!!!

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If you really want to make your place in this world better, do some things to really make this world a better place.  It’s really not that hard if you just do one little thing at a time.

So what little thing are you prepared to do today to make this world a little better tomorrow?  Hmmm…  No need to answer out loud, just make us proud and stand out from the crowd.  Lets keep striving to make it GREAT! My Book:


Yes it’s true that good things come to those who wait, but don’t misinterpret this type of waiting as being idle and doing nothing because that’s just plain-ole laziness.  Even nature teaches us that even the smallest constant trickle and flow of water can in-time create the grandest of canyons.

So I encourage you today to continue to be actively patient and your blood, sweat and tears throughout the months and years shall eventually yield and reveal your just reward.  So, keep the faith and continue to make it GREAT!
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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book