As I stumble through this life I’ve bumped into many people who appear to be living lives of quiet desperation. I truly believe that this is due to them allowing themselves to be negatively affected by the people and media that are around them in everyday life.
Different media outlets continue the onslaught and barrage of shows and advertisements that are subliminally designed to make us feel like we’re less than adequate without certain things in our life. I believe that this really fosters a “keep up with the Jones’s” mentality which can ultimately cause some pretty significant damage to our lives down the road if left unchecked.
It’s because of this pervasive phenomena that I invite you to consider the following unsolicited advice today. We must be careful not to allow the success of others around us to distort our view and make us feel as if we’re failing or less than adequate.
I encourage you to continue to go at your own pace and you’ll eventually win your race. Search for the way, watch others way, then find your own way, for no two paths to success are exactly the same. All things that are great come in good time. So keep leaning forward on your journey and keep making it GREAT one day at a time.
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Blog: www.MrBreadCrumb.com
My Website: www.CedricCrawford.com