Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

My favorite book says that we are to be content with what we have and to keep our lives free from the love of what I call the M&M’s of life (Money & Material) things.  So I invite you to join me today in continuing to be content with what we have but resolve to never be satisfied with what we’ve done.  No matter what hill we’ve climbed, distance we’ve run or great thing we’ve done we can always better our best.

I’ve learned that satisfaction and comfort are one-way streets that both lead you to a life of mediocrity and we were all intended to be and do so much more.  So I encourage you to move forward today content and grateful for what you have but not satisfied with what you’ve done.  Push to do more, be more, serve more and see more and you will soon find that you will have more.

Yes my friends the secret is out.  This breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely lead you to making it GREAT!

My Book:  “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT”


I’ve learned that the biggest breeding ground for negative, non-productive activity is idle time.  Yes, the negative will eventually sneak and creep its way into our idle time if we don’t intentionally fill it with something positive.

I invite you to consider the following truth today and don’t plot to kill or maim the messenger.  Negativity is very patient and cunning.  It sits in the shadows of our day watching and waiting for an opportunity to make itself known.  I believe that “Most People” continue to fall victim to the cunning, convincing ways of negativity because of their failure to read, participate, listen and associate with positive people and events on a regular basis.  We can not afford to take an extended vacation from education.  This is no doubt a problem for many and then they may often wonder why they aren’t growing or getting better.  Hmmmm…  This may be a bit harsh today, but a person that truly means you well will sometimes deliver the harsh message.

I heard my friend, Ernie Lansford, say that history doesn’t repeat itself people just repeat their history or the history of others.  I couldn’t agree more with his statement.  I believe the way we prevent our negative history from being repeated is to continue to read, participate, listen and associate.  I encourage you today to fill your idle time with positive productive activities and watch what happens. 

Think you don’t have idle time?  Oh yes you do, the chances are you’re already filling it with stuff that doesn’t help you get better at anything.  You might be confusing activity with productivity and there’s a huge difference between the two.  I encourage you to take back those moments and subdue them and make yourself a captive audience for your own personal development.  Slap in an educational and informational CD or two and listen while you’re driving.  Pick up a good inspirational, motivational book and read while you’re waiting.  Take a mutually nourishing and encouraging friend to lunch.  Attend a positive, uplifting, educational, informational event from time-to-time.  These things are guaranteed to make you better every day in every way.

The bottom line here is, don’t give negativity the opportunity to get a foothold in your life.  Have fun, be entertained and enjoy this life but watch out for those “chewing gum” activities that will just spend, waste and pass your time.  I’ve said this many times before, but it bears repeating.  Choose to “invest” that time wisely because you can’t get it back.  Doing so will definitely set you on a course to making it GREAT! 

Pre-Order my book today and get on your way
to Making it GREAT!


The deceptive purr of the cat of comfort has duped many into leading a life of complacency and just “getting by”.  You were meant for so much more and the world needs you now more than ever to step up and step into your passionate role of purpose and serve it up to your fellowman.

A life spent living small and for “self” is the ultimate disrespect to a creator that knows no bounds and created us in his image and likeness to do the same.  The gifts placed inside of us all at birth are boundless and awe-inspiring if we choose to unwrap them and share them with the world.

Beware for the path of least resistance leads to Average Avenue, and that streets already overcrowded with countless individuals who’ve settled into the new development community called Mediocrity Meadows.   But not you.  

You have chosen to leverage your passion and blaze your path to your purpose and Make it GREAT in service.  So CONGRATULATIONS I say for making the right choice to stay off Average Avenue and head-on over to Victory Lane and Make it GREAT!

Pre-Order my book today and rediscover the joy and passion that reignites the fire and excitement that life’s journey was meant to be.  Order today:


A little word to the wise today for those of you who may find yourself in mutual verbal combat with a stubborn opposition to change.  Arguing with such people is like running on a treadmill, you get all hot and sweaty and when you’re all done you realize you got nowhere.  The quicker you’re able to agree to disagree with the stubborn, closed-minded the less undue stress you have to endure. 

Sometimes some people may think they know but they truly don’t know that they don’t know and they really need to know.  Simply put, those who are walking in darkness but don’t know they’re walking in darkness will never seek the light.  All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put the life of the unwilling back together again.  So, jump off that treadmill and move on over to those who are willing and open to change and let’s continue in our efforts to make it GREAT! 

Pre-Order My Book TODAY @:


Everybody’s got a little “Big-Head-Ced” inside of them that can try to talk you out of doing Great things.  Don’t let yours win.  Not this week.

Go out and Make it GREAT!

Pre-Order My Book TODAY @:

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book