Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I realized an interesting dichotomy today. It appears that the large majority of us spend the best years of our lives neglecting our body and health in the relentless pursuit of what I call the “M&M’s” of life (money and material things). Then when we get older we end up spending our accumulated “M&M’s” in an effort to take care of our neglected body and poor health.  Hmmm…  I wonder if the animals of this great planet of ours think we’re silly because of this odd behavior. 

I’ve found that when you take a step outside of the picture frame to take a look at the big picture, it becomes painfully obvious that our focus resembles the mindset of a rabid squirrel, not realizing the consequences of our actions.  It’s in our best interest not to wait too late to reverse this trend and start to be more proactive with our body and health instead of “OMG!” (Oh My Goodness) reactive.  

After all, we only get one time through this “” thing and only one body to do it with, so let’s make a point to be proactive in taking care of them as we attempt to make it GREAT!

My Book:    “Make it GREAT”


Ok, I’m not sure who this post is for today, but I feel led to encourage someone to cheer up and realize that it’s not your fault that you were born with a heart that’s capable of trusting to the point of exposing yourself to emotional heartbreak and harm.

It’s not your fault that many have taken for granted your ability to be loving and forgiving to the point of being taken advantage of again-and-again.  It’s not your fault for being born with a spirit that desires to please and bring joy to others.  So erase any thoughts that you’re less than adequate when it comes to attracting and keeping a good mate.  They were all just incapable of realizing and recognizing their “good thing” in you and that’s not your fault.

These characteristics are rare and admirable and something to be proud of and soon the day will come when you’re given your hearty approbation and affirmation of appreciation.   The day will come when you’ll breathe a sigh of relief as your faithfulness and trustworthiness is reciprocated.   The day will come when you’ll truly smile and say, “I am enough and a worthy companion is just a plus.

I encourage you today to hang in there and refuse to let hardships, hang-ups, heartbreaks and hard-times bully you into changing your attitude and the essence of who you really are.  Your true “You” will indeed get you through without major compromise.  So, don’t give up on trusting yourself and continue to be yourself,  “B-U“.

Know and understand today that none of us are without flaws and imperfections and it’s our flaws and imperfections that make us perfect for that perfectly, imperfect person.   So continue to patiently “B – U” and it’ll see you through, after all, everybody else is already taken.  Let’s continue to make it GREAT!

My Book:   “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT”


An unsolicited word to the wise today to be careful what you pray for and how you pray for it because you just might end up confusing the one you’re praying to.  If we’re not careful we may oftentimes find ourselves praying what I call a “contradictory prayer.”  On the one hand, a prayer for strength and growth while on the other hand, at the same time praying to avoid the rain and strain of adversity can be a bit confusing to say the least. 

I invite you to consider the following thoughts if you will.  How can we expect to grow without the water and rain and strain of adversity and challenges?  The very essence of such elements are designed to make us stronger and wiser.  Falling, failing and faltering are absolutely necessary in the success and growth process.

So understand that no matter how many times you fail you’re still miles ahead of those who haven’t even tried at all.  No matter how small your steps are you’re still yards ahead of those who are afraid to move.  And, no matter how many times you fall, you’re still several feet taller than those who don’t even make an effort to get back up again.

A clear prayer definitely clears the air of contradiction.  So let’s enjoy the rays of the sunshine and embrace the strain of the rain because in it all lie’s the hope for growth and strength and a better tomorrow.  And never ever forget that life’s too short to just make it good, so let’s make it GREAT! 

My Book:    “Make it GREAT”


Just when I thought I’ve seen the worst of what human beings are capable of doing for money or fame or power, someone comes along and restores my confidence in the compassion and loving capability that lies in us all.  The event and individual that I saw the other day on TV was nothing less than awesome as he demonstrated behavior that was indicative of building others up and installing hope.  It’s funny how that happens right when I need a boost in my confidence in the inherent goodness of mankind the most.  

As I look around various industries lately I see over-and-over again the signs of those who are willing to compromise their integrity and good name in exchange for what I call the M&M’s of life (Money & Material things).  I do understand that one of our inner-most human basic desires is to be significant in some way whether good or not-so-good.  With that said, it appears that the chosen source of significance for many as-of-late exhibits a reckless and even flagrant disregard for morals, ethics and common decency in many cases. 

To push the limits and create “shock value” appears to be in vogue and more-and-more common-place now-a-days and it seems the more extreme and risqué the better.  Now let me be clear, I’m a huge advocate for being true to ones self and catering to nobody else, but some of these characters and images of individuals being portrayed appear to be absent of any proper or suitable boundaries.  Some appear to have even adopted a “gain significance at all cost” type of mentality and are sold out to the extreme.

As a result, I invite you to consider the following unsolicited advice today.  It seems to me that pursuing a source of significance is a noble act in deed, but if our source of significance exhaust and compromises the boundaries of personal integrity and sewing “good” into our respective communities and the world, we probably need to rethink our path.  It may be necessary to seriously consider a new course of action, for the ill-gotten gains from such behavior won’t last, guaranteed.

We may be a lot of things in this life, but let us categorically refuse to be the ones who are easily swayed by things that won’t matter much after we’re gone.  Let us not be the ones who are willing to compromise our values, morals, ethics and integrity in exchange for a crack at riches, fame, popularity or “making it BIG”, as they say.

Bad decisions come easy but good ones are hard.  So, let’s agree NOT to take it “Easy” through this “life” thing, let’s take it “HARD” as we continue to make those hard, difficult right choices over the easy wrong one’s.  Making it GREAT can be tough sometimes, but it’s surely worth it and we can do it. 

Let’s be the example that models the basic human quality of compassion and the ambassadors of goodwill and uplifting encouragement as we build others up in a positive way.  Let’s strive to make it even GREATER today than we did yesterday in everyway!  GREAT WEEK!!!

My Book:    “Make it GREAT”


In terms of doing good deeds in this world, it’s unrealistic to think that we can do everything for everybody, but I do humbly submit that we can at least do something for somebody from time-to-time.  My Good Pastor Kent Pedersen likes to say it this way, “Do for one what you wish you could do for all,” and I couldn’t agree more.

I’ve come to understand that when giving to others we can’t always be sure how people will treat our gestures of kindness.  We can’t always be sure that the neediness of others is truly genuine and as severe as they may indicate, and we can’t always be sure of others intentions with our time, talents and treasures.  But one thing we can be sure of is the reward and return we will receive based on the spirit in which we choose to give.

You see, the God-given, universal law of reciprocity isn’t specific to and for the “receiver”, it’s specific to and for the “giver”.  If we make an honest effort to cheerfully give with a grateful heart out of love and truly good intentions without want or expecting return, then shaken together, pressed-down, overflowing “good measure” is sure to visit us in the coming days ahead.  Good measure in family, friendship, physical feeling and financials.

So, not feeling like you’re experiencing any “good measure” these days?  I invite you to look for opportunities to give, Give, GIVE and not just out of your scarce and limited treasures, but also of your time and talents.  Yes friends, this too is “good” and worthy of your best efforts.  So let’s all commit to do “good” for our “good measure” as we continue to make it GREAT!

My Book:    “Make it GREAT”

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book