Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I was talking to a good friend today about some new developments in her life.  She had just received word about a couple of individuals who have resurfaced in her area and have been known to cause drama in her life in the past.  She was a bit frantic about the idea of them colluding together to find her and her husband so that they could work in concert to exact some more drama into their life. 

What do you think we should do?” she asked.  I politely responded, “If drama makes an attempt to find you, just be nice.  Be nice until it’s no longer appropriate to be nice then ask for help from the proper authorities.  In the meantime don’t start freaking out and let hypothetical and potential problems of the future negatively affect your joy and happiness in the present.” 

Simply put, don’t waste time worrying in advance about future negative possibilities that may never become reality.  I further reminded her that “Worry” is a cunning, sneaky, professional thief that is highly proficient at accosting individuals and robbing and depriving them of their joy and happiness in the present moments of life.  She immediately voiced her understanding and gratitude and agreed to hold on to her happiness in the moment.

Honestly, it’s conversations like these that really fire me up and get my juices for life flowing.  These types of conversations serve as a reminder for me as well.  I call them “Power-Chats”.  I sincerely believe that power chats on a regular basis with other individuals that are “goal-getters” and “dream-driven” and are looking to better themselves is an absolute must to keep your edge and focus in this “Life” thing.  Trying to brave the storm of life by yourself can be a daunting task to say the least.  Life has shown me that the constant noise of negativity and drama of the world around us can beat us up and cause severe damage to one’s psyche if left unchecked by an occasional power chat. 

So I invite you to consider forming a strategic alliance relationship with several like-mind and quality friends and family members that can serve in the role of mutual encourager.  A relationship where you both are mutual champions of each other’s success and wellbeing.  A relationship that mutually nourishes and uplifts and affirms each other in the best of times and the not-so-best of times.  When it comes to combating pervasive drama and negativity there’s definitely safety in numbers. 

So let’s grow our strategic alliances and leverage the potent power and possibilities of the prolific “Power-Chat” on a regular basis.  Now you have no excuse not to make it GREAT!

Pre-Order My Book TODAY:      “Make it GREAT”


F or those of you who are contemplating taking a positive step in a new direction, realize there is no need to wait for someone else to co-sign on your goals and dreams and decisions.  So, don’t be afraid to assume full ownership and responsibility your life actions and outcomes and get started today.  

The most important thing is not how you start or where you start.  The most important thing is that you just get started.  Sometimes it’s necessary to just set the date and start the journey alone.  Others will eventually join you when your level of commitment exceeds their level of expectation.  

Remember the greatest among us all had to blaze the trail and at times walk in seclusion.  So what are you willing to go over the hill and through the woods for?  Are you willing to be tarred and feathered for your faith?  Are you willing to take an arrow in the abdomen or a bullet in the back for your belief?  Hmmm… No need to answer out loud, just make me proud and stand out from the crowd with a smile.   Make it GREAT!

Pre-Order my Book Today @


Don’t forget today that we pray not for our mountains to be moved, but for the strength to climb them.  We ask not for our stumbling blocks to be taken away, but for the wisdom to recognize them and go around.   And, we make no such request for our life to be “Easy”, but for the resilience and focus and tenacity to hang in there and overcome when it’s “Hard.”

Another day down and yet another one to go. Let’s make it GREAT!

My Book:     Make it GREAT


The most important words and phrases in most contracts can usually be found written in fine print at the bottom of the page.  After thoroughly reviewing the contract of life I’ve discovered that the fine print on one of the pages states the following:  

“Whoever wants to become great among the masses must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.  You were created to be free but do not use your free-will to take advantage or harm and abuse and enslave others, but use it to serve others in love.” 

Furthermore, in order to win at the game of life you must understand how to score points and one of the ways to score big points is to use the most important words spoken in any language.  The following words carry the most point value:  “Thank You”, “Please”, “I’m Sorry” and “I Forgive You”.  They don’t sound like much but when used properly they can make a huge difference in the game of life.  So, be sure to use them honestly and often and light up the score board. 

As I’ve always said, we only get one time through this “life” thing so let’s continue in our best efforts to make it GREAT!

(All points are ONLY redeemable in the hereafter.
Contest rules never change.  Children under 18 are
admitted without parents and this offer isn’t void
where prohibited
.)  Thanks for playing the game.  🙂

My Book:     Make it GREAT


Ice-cream and life both have a distinct parallel.  Just as ice-cream has many possible flavors, life has many different scenarios. Life’s not always peaches and cream, sometimes it’s rocky road.  So we have to make sure our mental spoon is equipped to handle all the different flavors of life.

Yes this life can sucker-punch you square in the face when you least expect it and then kick you while your down.  So be sure to invest in some personal WMD (Weapons of Mental Development) in the form of books, CD’s, DVD’s and MP-3’s that’s designed to fill you up with low carb, low calorie brain food.  No artificial colors or flavors or saturated fats, just the good stuff.

I’ve got one suggestion if I may?  My book “Make it GREAT” definitely should be on your list.  Some reviews are calling it the “new bible of personal development”.  What an honor. 

Be sure to check it out for yourself.  It’s available for order today @: 

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book