Ever heard of the oxymoron called a “Selfish Giver”? Well, I’m sure you haven’t because I just made it up. The simple definition of a Selfish Giver is someone who has a big heart to give unto others but too much pride and ego to allow someone else to give unto them. Know anybody like this? Truth be told, it may even be you. Hmmm…
Well, don’t feel too bad about it just yet because I used to be the biggest Selfish Giver this side of the universe until I was awakened to the idea and notion that allowing others to be a blessing to me is just as important as being a blessing to others.
Remember the old phrase, “If you give you will receive”? Well, think of it this way: When we are unwilling to accept kind gestures and benevolent blessings from others, we retard their ability to receive and be blessed in return for being willing to be a blessing. Simply put, don’t be a “Blessing Blocker”. It’s a blessing to be a blessing so allow others to bless you too so they can in turn be blessed through giving to you.
That’s right my friends a little bit of humility can go a long way at the end of the day. So, don’t be afraid to put that pride aside and let the big “E” GO (ego) so you can bless someone by allowing them to be a blessing to you. This may sound a bit strange but this is how you play the giving game. You can come back to the surface now because this message was probably just a little bit too deep. LOL
Don’t let this be YOU… Let’s be “Selfless Givers” and NOT “Selfish Givers”. Be blessed and be a blessing as you attempt to Make it GREAT!!!