I did a little research recently and was surprised to discover that the overwhelming majority of people who die in a fire don’t actually die from the “fire”, they die from the smoke created by the fire. Yes my friends, it’s NOT the fiery heat, it’s the smoky release.
After giving it a bit of thought I realized that this phenomenon also exist when we’re dealing with others. When someone speaks to us with a flagrant tone of disrespect in derision and disregard, the fiery words may only sting for a moment, but the lingering memory and impact of what was said in the moment can cause an untold amount of damage, if we let it.
So a good question today is, “Have you been scorched by the fiery words of someone lately? Has your ego been burned or singed by the flames of a flagrant friend? Has your character been charred or your self-esteem seared by the hot blistering words of a reckless bitter individual with malice intent?” Hmmm…
Well I’ve got good news for you today. We can let the fiery words of others burn-as-it-may as long as we make a point to steer-clear of the smoke.
Simply put: We can’t control what people say to us, but we can always control what we allow their words to do to us. So don’t be so quick to inhale the smoke created by someone’s flagrantly fiery words of malice. Let those words burn-baby-burn while we attempt to keep-on Making it GREAT!
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