One of the most difficult recurring challenges we may face in life is managing to genuinely be happy for others who appear to be experiencing success when we are still in the midst of struggle. How do I know this? Well, it’s because I’ve struggled with this over and over for many years until I finally managed to figure it out and turn it around.
Over the years I allowed myself to interpret others success as a twisted sign of me failing and I found myself looking for unfair reasons for why others were experiencing success. Reason’s like, they came from a wealthy family or they had the right contacts or complexion of connection or maybe because they were good-looking or they found some way to cheat or just got “lucky”. All of these reasons were just ways I could make myself feel a little bit better about not succeeding or accomplishing the things that I thought I should have accomplished at that point in my life.
But, at the end of the day, I finally learned that my way of what the late, great speaker Zig Zigler calls “stinking-thinking” was blocking my blessings and beliefs that I too could accomplish great things. Then it happened. I started to intentionally find a way to celebrate the victories of others and give genuine accolades and praise where it was due and then slowly but surely I too started to eventually see more wins in my own life. That’s right friends, once I started to find a way to high-five and encourage others for their success, I started to realize more-and-more successes myself.
So, if this proverbial shoe fits you today, I encourage you to consider turning-it-around and finding a way to smile and be genuinely happy for others who are experiencing success with their dreams and teams and don’t be surprised when the same eventually starts to happen for you and your crew too. 🙂
Keep Making it GREAT!