Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

On our Independence day, be sure to celebrate our “interdependence” as well.  That’s right folks, we’re all innately wired for community and to depend on each other for survival for not just our body’s but also our positive mindset.

Don’t miss your opportunity today to recommit to affirming and encouraging your family, friends and even foe’s from time-to-time.  Yes indeed we are a strong nation, but our “interdependence” can make us even stronger bit-by-bit.

So be sure to pitch-in and do your part however big or small it may be. Now, get on out there today and make it GREAT!!!  Happy 4th !!!!!

Universal Studios Hollywood Here We Come!!!!!!

My Book:

My Blog:


If you really want to make your place in this world better, do some things to really make this world a better place.  It’s really not that hard if you just do one little thing at a time.

So what little thing are you prepared to do today to make this world a little better tomorrow?  Hmmm…  No need to answer out loud, just make us proud and stand out from the crowd.  Lets keep striving to make it GREAT! My Book:


If prayer alone made the difference we would all be skinny, sexy and insanely successful.  Prayer is just part of the deal.  We have to pray and move our feet in the direction of what we want and go through some heat to get the cookies we want out of life.  So, I encourage you to move toward “it”, whatever “it” is for you and make “it” GREAT!


It took me several years to realize and recognize that success and significance are precious rewards gift-wrapped in an unattractive wrapping paper of struggle and adversity.

As a result, most people may confidently start the unwrapping process but eventually their physical eyes and lack of vision over time may cause them to lose interest and faith in the journey and quit before the unwrapping process can ever be completed.

It is for this reason I invite you to consider the following.  The pathway and process of getting to the levels of real significance in this life is fraught with struggle and adversity and may not be pretty, but understand that the precious reward for your persistence and perseverance is soooooo worth it in the end.

So PRESS-ON, I say and continue to peel back the layers of the wrapping paper of life’s struggles and challenges and stay focused on your significant goals ahead as you continue in your noble efforts to make this good life, GREAT!


My Book:


The best Fathers understand that Love is spelled “T-I-M-E” and not “W-O-R-K”.

That’s right, success on the job can never make up for failure in the home,
So remember my message well before your kids are all grown and gone.

And if they’re already grown and gone and for them you never took the time,
Be sure to give them a framed copy of my short little rhyme.

Work as you must to live and faithfully carry the torch,
But give them plenty of TIME so you can later smile in that rocking-chair on the porch.

So from this day forward remember what you must do,
And in life never forget we only get one time through…. (Page 66 in my book)


My Book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” is loaded with several of these rhymes and lots of other content I’ve created just for you to give you a beacon that shines a light to Inspire, Motivate and Educate.  Get your copy today and don’t wait to Make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book