Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

A Prayer for HIS willJPGI just had this interesting thought to pop into my head today and I thought I’d share it with you in hopes that you too will glean some value from it.  You may have to get out your scuba-gear for this one because it may be a little deep, but it’s definitely Sabbath-Day appropriate.

So it seems to me that the world knows exactly how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie-Roll Lollypop.  But the world may never know exactly how many prayers it takes to change the will of our sovereign Creator?  Hmmm…

In my humble opinion I believe that no amount of prayers, fasting or Hail Mary’s can change the will of He who knows all, sees all and created all.  Because this is true, it seems to me that many prayers, pleas and petitions that are specific to a request seeking action by our Creator could be in direct contradiction to His will if we’re not careful.

To that end, I believe that a suitable prayer should include a request for His supreme will to be done and for the strength, understanding and ability to embrace the results, accept the outcome and learn the lesson and message in it all.  Yes, the words, “Your will be done.” are easy to say but can be much more challenging to truly accept, but this too is necessary.  Yes my friends, as tragic as it may sometimes seem in the moments of life, I know that His will holds ultimate plans to prosper us and those around us in the days ahead.

So, I encourage you to move forward today with a renewed vision and belief that in times of suffering, struggles and strain there’s something better to gain coming around the mountain for you no matter what the current situation or circumstance is.  So, I say to you today, keep those prayers flowing in the right direction and continue in your day-to-day efforts to make your challenging days GREAT!  This is definitely a breadcrumb of wisdom that can make life oh-so-sweet.  🙂

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Thought Template Shot - 2If it’s true that our eyes are the windows to our soul, then our words are the fingerprints of our heart and our actions are the outward manifestation of our inner-most feelings and all that we hold dear.

Yes my friends, our eyes, words and actions can tell the real story of who we really are behind the facade that many of us carry with us through this “life” thing. So pay close attention to what you say and what you do and if you really want to hide the truth, be sure to close your eyes so that others can’t see through you.

Just a little breadcrumb of wisdom for you to take into your weekend.  Let’s continue in our noble efforts to make it GREAT! 


Dream BIGI truly believe that one of the biggest enemies of a BIG DREAM is a small dream. So continue to DREAM BIG and take consistent action steps in the direction of those dreams no matter what the nasayers and dream stealers say. Soon you will have your time to shine.

So, Make it GREAT!!!



Routine Random Acts of KindnessSo I pull into the local Jack-in-the-Box drive-thru this morning and I hear a familiar female voice saying these words, “Good morning Cedric, let me guess, you’ll have one sausage, egg and cheese sandwich and two ham and cheese sandwiches, right?” And of course I smiled at the speaker box and said, “Thanks Delta, you’re always on your game.”

I pulled on around to the window and then heard these words.  “Oh, a blonde lady pulled up after you last week and said that she wanted to pay for your next meal.”  “WHAT!  Are you serious?  What was her name?” I asked, but she couldn’t remember.  Hmmm…  Now I’m on the hunt to see who’s spreading random acts of kindness.

As much as I try to be spontaneous in life I must admit that there are still many things that are routine about my day.  One thing for sure is I am routinely looking for opportunities to engage in random acts of kindness.

Twice a week I pull into the Jack-in-the-box drive-thru in the morning after dropping my kids off at school and I order a sandwich for me and two extra sandwiches for others.  One is for the local school crossing guard and the other is usually for the neighborhood foster kid that walks to school frequently without eating breakfast.  Smiles and “Thank You’s” from the recipients are commonplace and I always respond with, “Don’t pay it back, pay it forward.”  Well, I guess someone decided to “Pay it forward” to me this morning and I want to take this opportunity to issue a public, heartfelt “Thank You” to that unknown, blonde, kind citizen.

I shared this story with you today in hopes that it will stimulate the creative juices in you in the days ahead.  Question:  Do you make random acts of kindness routine?  How are you choosing to bring a smile to others during the day and show them that you care and that they matter?  Are you celebrated when others see you coming are just tolerated?  Hmmm…  A few days ago the crossing guard told me that every time he sees my truck he starts to salivate. LOL…  We got a good laugh out of that one.

I have many different types of random acts of kindness that have now become routine over the years, but that doesn’t make me special.  That just makes me an attentive, intentional human being.  I invite you to join me on a journey of daily intentionality and dare to make random acts of kindness routine in an effort to make other peoples day GREAT.  And, in the process you just might find that you’re making your own day GREAT!

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A Letter to Mr. AdversitySo here we meet again old friend.  The infamous stand-off and stare-down.  Once again your unexpected visit emerges to test my resolve and with conviction and complete confidence I can truly say that once again I am ready for the challenge.

Yes, I may have stumbled and struggled to overcome you Mr. Adversity in the not-so-distant past, but I’m getting better and better with each swing of the bat.  So, BRING IT ON!” I say for I know that this is the part where I have the opportunity to get better today than I was yesterday.  You are indeed a formidable foe but without you Greatness would never be possible.

So, dare to join me in my quest today to make this “good” life GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book