As I look back over my life it may come as a surprise to many to hear that some of my most challenging times were during the process of transitioning from a life of abundance and comfort to a life of scarcity and struggle.
Being a giver from a position of abundance for so many years made it extremely tough to be on the receiving end. The acceptance of gifts and other various gestures of kindness from others has been an extremely hard pill to swallow but the water of wisdom has made the process more bearable.
Putting pride aside and letting the “E-Go” has made a world of difference and a genuine expression of gratitude also opened me up to receive more. The surprising aha moment came when I realized that accepting gifts and gestures of kindness from others actually gives the giver an opportunity to be a blessing to you. So as a result, the act of giving and receiving creates a win-win situation.
I realize that saying “Yes” to a hand-out may be tough especially for men, but saying “Yes” to a hand-up is much more doable. It’s all about perspective. So I say to you today, go ahead and allow those friends and family members and even perfect strangers around you to flex their giving muscles by being a blessing to you with their time, talent or treasures. Just smile BIG and simply say “Thank You” and never forget that your duty and obligation is not to necessarily pay it back, but to pay it forward. The giver would be nothing without those in need. 🙂
Let’s all give and receive until it hurts as we continue in our efforts to make it GREAT!
The Book: “Make it GREAT”
NEWS BULLETIN: Our church’s, synagogue’s, tabernacles, masques, temples and sanctuaries are not our mission fields. These are just the places that we go to fellowship and to be empowered and equipped with the inspiration, motivation and education to be better and do better. Our mission field is and always has been and will be out into the world at large.
It never ceases to amaze me how often I see others making very little effort to apply the things that they learn from their spiritual and religious proctors, priest, prophets and pamphlets. The kindness and compassion that’s being taught inside the “good book” and the four walls of our religious institutions is not meant to stay there, for to “know” and not do is the same as not knowing at all.
Let’s all recommit to make our best efforts to apply that which we learn to our respective mission fields of our workplace and communities and the world at large so that others might see us and want to know more about the one who we represent. GREAT DAY!!!
A little “Food-4-Thought” for you to chew on today.
When others are going through the fire of life’s struggles and challenges and sufferings are you bringing buckets of water of encouragement and affirmation or buckets of gasoline of discouragement and condemnation? Are you seizing the opportunity to build others up or tear them down? Are you cheering others on or jeering them to be gone?
Yes, these are all easy questions indeed but the honest answer may be a little hard on the reality of some. Make sure you’re not counted in that infamous group of “some”. I believe it’s in our own best interest and the best interest of others to make sure that our buckets are filled with nourishing waters and not toxic.
Don’t miss this message as you embark upon yet another week filled with opportunities to get better and do better.
And remember, we only get one time through this “life” thing so let’s make it GREAT!
What’s in Your Bucket?
We’ve officially declared war against a mutual enemy called “Negative”. Dare to join us in our quest today. All we need is a few good men or women who will commit to plant some “Positive” seeds where negative weeds are trying to grow.
I made this short video just for YOU today. Be Inspired as you attempt to make it yet another GREAT DAY.
Click Here: