A few years ago after my wife and I had just realized our dream of designing and building our multi-million dollar, riverfront dream-home in the hills of Bakersfield,California. I remember being in the master bedroom suite lying on my back on our black leather sleigh bed staring up at the ceiling. Suddenly out of nowhere a random thought came to my mind that resulted in me developing a fear that took precedence over all others. This fear gripped me the very moment I awakened to the possibility of what could happen. This fear became as real to me as the very air I breathe. What is this fear? It’s the fear of dying after living a life that didn’t really matter for making the world better and enriching the lives of others.
Looking back over my life after building a massively successful business with my wife and all the other major accomplishments and goals I had achieved up to that point, I honestly couldn’t say that I had created anything that would be able to withstand the wind, the rain and the other elements of this world and live on indefinitely in my absence. So, it was that day my journey to creating a life of meaning, memories, significance and legacy began.
That day I began to focus on what was most important in this life and began to, in the words of the song written by the group Point of Grace, “Turn Up The Music.” I made a promise to myself and my creator that I would be a willing conduit to deliver a message of Hope, Inspiration, Motivation, Encouragement, Empowerment and Education to others world wide. I vowed that I would give this mission my best efforts and the highest and utmost priority in my life and create positive written and spoken content that will outlive my grandkids, grandkids, grandkids. I committed to make the M&M’s (money & material) of life no longer my main priority.
I’m now happy to say that I am no longer afraid, for I know my life does matter for the world because of many of you who have shared your hearts with me. The many of you who have expressed your appreciation of something you’ve read or heard me say at one of my events that has inspired you to do something different and better in your life. And the many of you who continue to tune in daily to see what encouragement you can glean from a few words on an electronic page that I have been so privileged to capture and articulate.
No more fear of death here my friends, for I now know that all the content I created yesterday, today and tomorrow will never die. Can you say the same today? Are you creating “positive-passion-fruit” that will endure through the ages or are you primarily driven by the M&M’s of life? Are you living a life that will truly matter for making this world a better place even in your absence? No need to answer out loud or raise your hand, just hear and understand and make your plan if you can friend. Turn up the music and remember it’s never too late to make it GREAT!