Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

O  ver the past few years I’ve received several offers to partner with a few different companies or organizations.  Some of the offers have been pretty significant however I’ve found that the company or service/product provided has nothing to do with my passions, goals and dreams.  In fact, I’ve often realized that the activity would be more of a distraction than a help to me.  I have the feeling that I’m not alone in this belief.

I invite you to consider the following today.  There are many of us who become easily distracted by “good” money at the expense of putting our goals and dreams on the shelf.  Maturity in business and life has taught me that our dreams should not be for sale.  “More focused than ever” should be our statement of the day and every day here-forward.

So let’s take the barcode off of our goals and dreams and place them in the “priceless” glass case behind the counter and stay focused on why we’re really here.  Found your “Why” yet?  No need to answer out loud, just make me proud.   One more day of focus and yet another step closer to that goal or dream as we all attempt to make it GREAT! 



I’m convinced that if laziness was a criminal offense some people would be fried in the electric chair, paraded before the firing squad or hung from the gallows. 

I pulled into an ARCO Gas Station not long ago and I was getting ready to fill up my tank when I noticed a gentleman approaching me with an “I need some money” look.  I’m sure you all know the one I’m talking about.  But unlike “Most People”, I actually like these opportunities to see what the person’s story is. 

Sir, would you happen to have some change that I could use, my truck ran out of gas and I need to get me and my wife home.” he said.  It was about 10:00pm that night and I did notice his beat-up, black, gas-guzzling pickup truck over at another pump with his wife in it.  So I peppered him with a few other questions like, where specifically did he live at, how many kids he had and what was he doing on this side of town knowing that he was low on gas?  I cautioned him ahead of time that I would be checking all of his answers with his wife in the truck to make sure that he was being truthful.

To my surprise he obliged me.  Among many other things in our conversation he also stated that he had been looking for work but had been having trouble finding anyone who would hire him.  Feeling a bit pleased with his comments and answers, I moved the conversation over to his wife and after confirming that his story matched up, I preceded to run my debit card through his pump and told him to fill it up.  He and his wife were most grateful and verbalized the sincere appreciation over and over again.

It was painfully obvious that he had neglected his hygiene for a while and his hair was matted and his clothes were tattered.  So, one hundred dollars later, I figured it was a good time to express to him the importance of his first impression and maintaining a level of pride in himself no matter what his situation, circumstance or condition is.  I then beamed one of my signature, big, toothy smiles at him and he returned the favor.  I told him to pay it forward when he gets back on his feet.  Then I gave him my card and advised him to call me the next day before 12 noon.  I also told his wife to make sure that he calls me and she insisted she would.

I would love to tell you the juicy details of what happened next in Kendrick’s story but you’ll just have to get the book.

This story along with many others can be found in my book “Make it GREAT” that’s due to be released this November 2012.  Many have taken the opportunity to Pre-Order their copy to assure they won’t miss out on the limited number of copies.  Don’t miss your chance.  Pre-Order today and you’ll also get a FREE bonus CD with tons of power-packed audio content to enlighten you.

Order Today:

Bread Crumbs to Making It Great (Volume 2)



I was laying in my bed in my most inspirational position this morning, which is flat on my back staring at the ceiling, when I suddenly had what I call a “Hallelujah moment of inspiration”.  So as usual, I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed one of my trusted-ole journals and started to write out my thoughts.

The idea that came to mind was a new, contemporary, acronymic definition of “Adversity” that I think you might get some value from.  My new definition of “Adversity” is, “the Ability to Develop Via Experiencing Rough Situations that Involuntarily Train You.”  If you really break this definition down you’ll find that adversity really does give you the ability to develop by experiencing hardships and struggles in situational life events that are designed to make you stronger and help you to grow rather you want to encounter these experiences or not. 

So I invite you to think of adversity as a welcomed opportunity to grow and get better.  All things that are great and worthwhile were no doubt realized on the other side of “Adversity”.  Be encouraged today if you’re experiencing a bit of discomfort amidst a struggle and know that you’re in training and a new and better you is coming right around the corner.  Continue to lean forward and make it GREAT!  GREAT WEEK !!!



2 – 4 – 6 – 8
Life is short so
Make it GREAT !!!

We only get one time through this “life” thing, no do-over’s, so let’s Make it GREAT!


Yes it’s true that evil can only flourish if good people stand by and do nothing.  We must all do our part to stamp out the evil of prejudice and racism around us and be that voice to the voiceless whenever the opportunity presents itself.  No doubt this form of evil is definitely a learned behavior that starts subtlely and over time can grow into a full-blown, flagrant disregard for human life.

History has taught me that man can be outrageously cruel and violent if left unchecked in the absence of a healthy respect for God and a good conscious.  So I say to you today “Good People”.  Be aware of the atrocities that are still being perpetrated around you today and commit to do your part.  Rather small or not-so-small, the helpless and voiceless needs us all to answer their quiet call so don’t drop the ball. 

We must choose to be the exception to the unwritten rule of “Not My Problem” or less evil will rule the day.  “Good People” let’s continue in our efforts to make this world GREAT!   GREAT WEEKEND !!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book