Time gets its value from the fact that it’s LIMITED…
And, it’s Death that Gives Life its Value…
Never Lose… Win or become Wiser…
Ok to Share if your Dare to show you Care…
Time gets its value from the fact that it’s LIMITED…
And, it’s Death that Gives Life its Value…
Never Lose… Win or become Wiser…
Ok to Share if your Dare to show you Care…
Few things excite me more than watching other people WIN and achieve their Dreams.
So, Don’t Defer the Dream or Legal Scheme…
Do something worthy of your Best Efforts that makes the “You” of the future proud you did.
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To take a life or To NOT take a life? True Events.
Don’t let the things you’d Love to do be overshadowed by those things that you Loooove to do…
Education doesn’t stop with Graduation…
Stay Green Young Grasshoppers, because Green means you’re still Growing…
Death gives Time it’s value… So time may NOT be running out, but “Your Time” is…
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A Big Bully Called “Mistake”…
There’s No Gain in the absence of some Pain.
Be Comfortable with being Uncomfortable until the UnComfortable becomes Comfortable… Then REPEAT!!! Hahahaha
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Inside Tips on “How to FAIL” so you’ll know how to SUCCEED!
The #1 Skillset that has Kyla’s future shining brighter than a Diamond.
Protect your inner-circle with a vengeance!
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