That’s right my friend, don’t be a Copy-Cat. Become that AMAZING Cat that everyone wants to Copy.
Don’t try to be someone else because everyone else is taken. The two most important letters in the alphabet that relate to being yourself is “B – U”…
So, go BLAZE YOUR OWN TRAIL and Make it GREAT!!! I’ll see you at work!!! WooHooooo!!!
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care…
When they’re expecting your worst of your wrath, surprise them with the BEST they’ve ever had.
Leverage your moments strife to change someone’s life. It worked for me.
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care…
On my Dad’s 69th Birthday today I would like to assign some POSITIVE blame:
I blame him for sticking around being a DAD in the good times and the bad…
That’s right my friends, how far you go in this “Life” thing will be determined by the internal dialogue that continues to echo in the chambers of your heart.
So if necessary, change your narrative into one that propels you forward instead of holds you back.
Yes, how far you GO is determined by that internal ECHO. So, create your fate and Make it GREAT in Two-Zero-One-Eight (2018)!!!