I’ve been doing that “Thinking” thing again lately and you know what happens when I do that… Yep, I’ve realized a new breadcrumb that just might lead you to Making it GREAT!
So here goes…
Nothing kills innovation, ingenuity and creativity faster than the fear of being wrong or rejected.
I’m sure an untold number of brilliant, original ideas have perished and been buried in a casket covered with the sand of a fear of being wrong.
So, please allow me to encourage you NOT to be spooked out of your pursuit of creating something cutting-edge and special.
Be bold and embrace the process of failure and rejection and understand that there is valuable feedback in the failure and opportunity for correction and eventual connection in rejection.
Now go ahead and squeeze the juice out of your ingenuity and let those creative juices flow as you go. This world eagerly awaits for you to Make it GREAT!
So, LET’S GO!!!