Would it surprise you if I told you that most people don’t like being around Negative people all of the time?
Probably not…
But what if I told you that there are a number of people who don’t particularly like being around Positive people a lot of the time either, would that surprise you? Hmmm…
Well, it’s true… There are just some people who’ve been soooo used and abused by the struggles & troubles of their life that being around positive people actually makes them uneasy and in some cases extremely uncomfortable and even upset.
In fact, there are even some people who quite frankly don’t even like me because they feel that my continuous display of positivity means that I’m NOT in touch with reality. Hmmm…
Well, to those people I say, “Please don’t hate me because I’m a positive (A+) person. It’s just in my blood so what can I say.”
I’d like to encourage you to NOT make the grave mistake of allowing yourself to build up some type of immunity and distorted-dislike for the positive people around you. We’re just trying to be that breath of fresh air in a world full of smog & fog.
So Be Positive (B+) today in every way and Make it GREAT!!!
GREAT DAY Young Grasshoppers!!!