Just a friendly reminder from MrMakeItGreat.com AKA MrBreadCrumb.com AKA CedricCrawford.com that Success and Significance in the absence of Struggle and Adversity DOES NOT EXIST!!! 😉
No Pain No Gain…
Make it GREAT!!!
Just a friendly reminder from MrMakeItGreat.com AKA MrBreadCrumb.com AKA CedricCrawford.com that Success and Significance in the absence of Struggle and Adversity DOES NOT EXIST!!! 😉
No Pain No Gain…
Make it GREAT!!!
I’ve got a rhetorical question for you before you call-it-a-night or start your day.
If you were on trial today for flexing your love muscles and killing people with kindness, would you be found guilty or acquitted on all charges?
No need to answer it here, just make sure you’re crystal clear.
To forgive someone can be a walk-in-the-park for many, but to forget can be a marathon-run that may never be done.
That’s right my friends, forgiveness may come easy for some of us but the ability to truly FORGET may never be a luxury that we enjoy because forgiving is a simple action but forgetting is a complex state-of-the-mind.
Yes my friends the offensive actions of others can leave the deepest cuts and callouses on our mind, body and soul of which we may have no control, but we will always have control of our ability to forgive. So, if this shoe fits, I invite you to wear it with confidence. Let’s NOT let our inability to “Forget” diminish our ability to “Forgive”. After all, someone answered the call by forgiving us ALL. 😉
Let’s Make it GREAT!!!
And, always Ok to share if you dare…..
My wish for us all in this month of “May” is…
“May” random acts of kindness never get old.
May our words be few and our actions be plenty.
May “Please” and “Thank You” be on every tongue.
May following ones passion always be in vogue.
May we never grow weary of displaying compassion to others.
May we never build up an immunity to words of encouragement.
May we lead with our smile and follow-through with our hearts.
May what we say be worthy of plagiarism and what we do be worthy of duplication.
May love be the yardstick by which we choose to measure every relationship and human encounter.
And Finally, May this wish I wish for me and you come true…
Let’s Make it GREAT my friends.
The million dollar questions that make a lot of cents (sense) but won’t cost you a dime…
Can we live without Personal Development? Yes, but only a fool would recommend it. Do we need Self-Help? No, but we’ve got to be two kinds of crazy to ignore it. And, can inspiration, motivation and education really make you happy and successful? Well maybe not, but the lack of these three things are sure to negatively affect your happiness and level of success.
Yep that’s right my friends, a life can be lived in the absence of all these things but we’d have to be two kinds of crazy and three kinds of foolish to live without them.
Simply put: Living a life increasing your worth makes life worth living. So, stay committed to working on the #1 most important factor in the equation of your life which is “You”.
Now let’s go Make it GREAT!!!