I used to ask myself why does it appear that the negative naysayers that spew drama, dissention and divisive rhetoric always seem to be the ones with the largest audiences and the biggest mouths. But, after a while I finally figured it out for myself and the reason is quite simple. In fact, after sharing it with you I’m sure you’ll immediately agree.
Well, it all boils down to one 13 letter word that starts with “E” and ends with a “T” and we all have a hidden hunger for it. That word is, “Entertainment”. Yes that’s right folks there’s something in us all that craves entertainment from time-to-time and unfortunately many of us find that entertainment in people who’re loud and divisively-controversial.
So, my simple unsolicited advice today to those whom this shoe may fit is, “Don’t feed the beast.” That’s right my friends, the more we give a platform of attention to the controversy-crazed content creators the more their audience and demand grows. So, let’s stop turning it on and tuning it in then maybe we can reverse the trend.
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