Quick Question: Is your current job preventing you from being all that you can be? Does your ladder of success have only a limited amount of rungs to climb? Is there an invisible ceiling that’s restricting, inhibiting and bridling your ability to reach your fullest of potential in your area of passion? Hmmm…
Would it surprise you if I told you that for most people the unfortunate answer to this question is “Yes”? Many are living-out their life doing purposeless, passionless, pointless production in areas that won’t make a positive impact for our hurting humanity and many have quietly convinced themselves to believe that it’s okay. It’s almost like they’re just doing time in hopes that after this life they’ll have a chance to come back and do it again. Hmmm…
Well the harsh truth is that, no you can’t come back after this life for a “do-over” and checking out on making a positive impact on this world is not okay. The way I see it is, we each have a choice to make and this choice is made daily to take action on our passions and purpose for good in service to others or NOT to take action on our passions and purpose for the positive benefit of others.
So today I would like to encourage you to take the limits off and blast through that ceiling to reach your fullest of potential and make your impact felt around the globe. Some of you may even have to consider switching ladders to do what matters. Whatever the case is for you, be bold and be sure to create your plan, work your plan and then expect for things not to go quite as planned, but stay the course until you reach, grow, climb and know that you’re Making it GREAT!!!