Our physical bodies are tangible vehicles that have been given to us for our souls to express our feelings and emotions through and carry out our life’s-work while we’re on this journey through space and time. The catch is, these physical bodies are limited and only have a finite amount of time for us to occupy them. Then they have to be returned back to the dust of the earth from which they were birthed.
Yes my friends, none of us are exempt and we’ll all have to eventually give up these physical vessels and return them whence-they-came. The unfortunate thing is we’re NOT like a milk carton or loaf of bread so you can’t just flip us over and determine our expiration date.
Nope, we don’t know when, where, why or how our end will come, but we do know for sure that it “will” eventually come. Then the next journey begins.
Yes that’s right my friends, I believe that our inner being, soul, spirit, energy source or whatever you choose to call it has to transition and transfer to another realm which no man or woman can accurately detail, describe or define. And, as such, all that will be left then is an account of what we did with our physical vessels in our allotted space and time.
So, we press-on to make good, positive use of our fallible, physical flesh before the clock of our days tick for the last time. Let’s strive to make our life’s work so GREAT that we receive a big spiritual high-five on the other side.
Here’s your high-five in advance SMACK!!!
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Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
Store: TheInspirationStore.com