Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I’ve been doing that “thinking” thing again lately and I’ve come up with a new “Cedricism” (As someone once called it.) and here it is: “You can’t talk a chicken into laying eggs, you just have to wait until it makes up its own mind.”

That’s right folks no matter what you say or how loud you say it, that chicken is not going to cooperate until it’s ready. Did you know that the same exist for us humans too? Yes, it’s extremely important that we realize and recognize that no matter what we do, we simply can’t change a person that’s not ready and willing to change.

There’s an old adage that says, “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” which simply means coercing and forcing someone to change doesn’t really change them. All the love in this great world of ours is not enough to compel the unwilling to take a different course of positive action.

So, I encourage you NOT to waste and spend your time over the years begging and pleading for a friend or foe or loved one to change. Our time should be invested in other productive things until the change is welcomed by the one who needs it most. This is when “real change” can happen.

So until then, continue to love on that “chicken” from a safe distance until it’s ready to lay those eggs, then step in and offer your support. Besides, eggs taste so much better when they’re laid with love.

So, why did the chicken cross the road? Because his family kept telling him to change, but he wasn’t ready. LOL…

Let’s Make it GREAT!



I was sitting in a packed physician’s waiting room today and a young solo pregnant Mom was called back by one of the nurses. She got up and slowly walked over to the doorway and fainted into the arms of the young nurse. There was an audible gasp by many and several people, including myself, then sprang into action to help her.

I must admit that I was overwhelmed by the capacity of compassion that total strangers were capable of in that moment. The interesting thing is that in that moment no one cared about the color of her skin or her status or her religious or political affiliation or even her sexual orientation. They all just saw a woman in need and innately reacted accordingly.

I truly believe that this shows that when we strip everything else away, what remains is a raw human being that was created and designed in the likeness of a God that’s capable of immeasurable love and compassion. And since we were created in His likeness we honor him by demonstrating the same to His people.

Simply put: We all may have arrived to this country on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat in this “life” thing. So, let’s continue to be the face and hands of unbridled Love, Kindness and Compassion and pass it on.

Don’t miss your opportunities.

Btw, that little pregnant Mom is OK now. 🙂

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


Ok, I have a special word for all of you who dare to compete in this “Life” thing. When you can honestly say you’ve given it your absolute BEST efforts in any sport, there’s no scoreboard in the whole-wide-world that can ever make you a loser.

It should NOT come as a surprise that this is also true in life. So for those of you who toil and labor and work hard to squeeze the juice out of your efforts and potential in any area of life, hold your head high with confidence and a satisfaction in knowing that you are one of the fearless few who managed to get the BEST out of “You” and there’s no more that you can do.

Simply put: Do your absolute BEST and let God do the rest. So to all of you grinders I’d like to give you a hardy CONGRATULATIONS in advance for your inevitable victory. Keep Making it GREAT!!!



For those who feel like you’re losing your faith as you’re going through the fire, I’ve received a short message of affirmation from the one who created us all and He simply says, “I AM”.

Yes, He is capable and in control so just hold on.

Make it a GREAT WEEK !!!



Now that’s a first…

I placed an order online for this T-shirt with a catchy message and two days later I received the shirt with a personalized letter from the owner. I was so impressed with the personalized, quick customer service that I reached out to the owner and was surprised to find out her amazing story of what I call “Trauma-to-Triumph”.

She managed to turn what doctors call PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) into what I call PTSP (Post Traumatic Strength & Power) and leverage her story to encourage & empower others who has suffered as she did/does. In fact, her “War Fit” ( apparel line is her way of inspiring others and giving them hope for a better tomorrow.

So, meet my new friend Erika Amini. She is indeed a Rock Star of the best kind, so take a peek at her and catch a glimpse and reflect on what’s possible for you.

Don’t miss your opportunity to leverage your story of triumph to encourage this hurting humanity. The world needs you now more than ever before. Now, get-on out there and “Make Your Own Luck” as you attempt to Make it GREAT!!!



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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book