Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Don’t be surprised if some of the most intense conversations you ever have actually take place inside of your own head. Also, don’t be too disappointed if the most important person that ever lets you down ends up actually being “You”. And, think it NOT strange if your toughest most formidable enemy ends up actually being your “inner-me”.

Yes my friends, this life has taught me a multitude of lessons and one of the most important things I’ve learned is that our toughest challenges and test lay NOT in our outside world, but they exist inside our own body and mind.

So make sure that you’re downloading the right information that will empower and equip you with the proper mental tools to NOT just survive working your nine-to-five, but to strive, thrive and positively stay alive.

So, let’s continue to do what it takes to Make it GREAT!



Over the years I’ve come to realize that once we’ve discovered a new product or service or system or new way of living or belief, we must be careful not to let ourselves become bitter and callous to others if they don’t necessarily see what it is that we see.

Even if our logic is spot-on and what we’re doing or sharing makes perfect sense, we must realize that people don’t typically make decisions based primarily on their sense of logic. Most people make decisions primarily on emotion wrapped around “good timing” or some may even say “God’s Timing”.

So if you feel like you’re hearing the word “No” a bit much these days when it comes to sharing something of value to others, just remember that “No” doesn’t necessarily mean forever. “NO” means “Not Open” for now, but later emotion and timing might just turn it all around. So be patient and don’t let the bitterness of repeated rejection set in and suck you into a position of thinking that others are less-than-adequate because they haven’t said “Yes” to you are your cause.

I encourage you this week to firmly stay diligent in your craft and spreading the seeds of your good product, your good service or your good news and eventual satisfaction will find you no doubt.

This is indeed a practice that can eventually lead us all to Making it GREAT!

AWESOME WEEK My friends!!!


So, how exactly do you measure the “What if”? How do you calibrate the “Could’ve been”? And, how do you quantify the power of the “Possibilities of Potential”? Well, the simple answer is, “You can’t”.

If you never go, how would you ever know for sure? The honest-to-God truth is that no one really cares much about the “What if’s and the Potential of the Could’ve been’s”. Most people only care about the results of the “I did’s” and the “I’m doing’s”.

So if this is true, then some good questions to ponder through our weekend are, “What have we done?” and “What on earth are we doing?”

I’m reminded of whenever I was caught-in-the-act of doing something wrong as a kid, my Southern Pentecostal Mom would sometimes yell at me in her Texas slang voice, “For heaven’s sake boy, what on earth are you doing!?” Now since she’s no longer with us in the flesh, I must admit that I often times feel like she’s flipped it around on me and is now saying, “What on earth are you doing for Heaven’s sake boy!?” 🙂

I can only hope that the sincere efforts and intentions of my mission is making her smile. Better today than yesterday is what I always say, and today is indeed a great day to Make it GREAT! So let’s get to it!!! 🙂

So what on earth are you doing for heaven’s sake? No need to answer this question out loud, just continue to make us proud and stand out from the crowd. Let’s Make it GREAT!


I’ve got a quick question for you.

Have you ever dry-cleaned a rented outfit before returning it to the store? Have you ever washed a rental-car before returning it back to the car lot? Or even better still, have you ever cleaned up a hotel room before checking out? The honest answer to these questions is probably an emphatic “NO” or even an “Absolutely NOT”!

Why? Well, I would hazard to guess that it’s because you don’t really own it. That’s right folks, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to you if I told you that people don’t usually put a lot of time and effort into taking care of the things that they don’t own.

Ever lend out something to your neighbor or a good friend only to receive it back in an abused, neglected, lackluster condition? Well, the answer is probably “Yes”. Why did this happen? Well, quite simply it’s because they don’t own it.

As this is true, I invite you to consider that the same is also true for those of us who don’t take ownership of our own goals and dreams for the future. If we don’t take ownership of our own dreams and possibilities for a better life for us in the future, then who else should be responsible today for where we end up tomorrow? Hmmm…

Simply put, we should never treat our most precious goals and valuable dreams like a rental tuxedo or a rental-car or a Hilton Hotel room. I encourage you to take complete ownership of your goals and dreams in the days ahead and start giving them some time and effort and perform a little routine maintenance regularly on them. And, don’t be surprised when you start to see them coming true for you.

Yes, this action could quite possibly lead you to separating yourself from those who just settle and becoming one of those who succeed.

So, let’s take some ownership today and make this new day soooooo incredibly awesome that yesterday gets insanely jealous. Let’s Make it GREAT!!! 😉


One of the most difficult recurring challenges we may face in life is managing to genuinely be happy for others who appear to be experiencing success when we are still in the midst of struggle. How do I know this? Well, it’s because I’ve struggled with this over and over for many years until I finally managed to figure it out and turn it around.

Over the years I allowed myself to interpret others success as a twisted sign of me failing and I found myself looking for unfair reasons for why others were experiencing success. Reason’s like, they came from a wealthy family or they had the right contacts or complexion of connection or maybe because they were good-looking or they found some way to cheat or just got “lucky”. All of these reasons were just ways I could make myself feel a little bit better about not succeeding or accomplishing the things that I thought I should have accomplished at that point in my life.

But, at the end of the day, I finally learned that my way of what the late, great speaker Zig Zigler calls “stinking-thinking” was blocking my blessings and beliefs that I too could accomplish great things. Then it happened. I started to intentionally find a way to celebrate the victories of others and give genuine accolades and praise where it was due and then slowly but surely I too started to eventually see more wins in my own life. That’s right friends, once I started to find a way to high-five and encourage others for their success, I started to realize more-and-more successes myself.

So, if this proverbial shoe fits you today, I encourage you to consider turning-it-around and finding a way to smile and be genuinely happy for others who are experiencing success with their dreams and teams and don’t be surprised when the same eventually starts to happen for you and your crew too. 🙂

Keep Making it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book