Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Many so-called “Professionals” have quietly suggested that for me to gain more exposure and notoriety in a shorter period of time I need to seriously consider being more controversial.

Well, to that suggestion I love to just smile and nod my head as if to say, “You must not know me very well”.

The unfortunate truth is that my observation has led me to believe that there is no shortage of people walking the face of this beautiful earth who wouldn’t think twice about completely compromising who they are and what they genuinely stand for if money or something of great monetary value was promised to them.

To that end, I have five bold words to say. “Don’t Let It Be YOU!” We choose NOT to fold under the pressure to keep up with the “Jones’s”. We choose NOT to take the road most travelled to accomplish that which we seek. We choose NOT to conform to a distorted standard of practice by the masses because we understand that what’s popular is not always right and what’s right is not always popular.

We are indeed a strange breed when compared to many others and we choose to be the exception when it comes to compromising who we are and what we stand for in the name of money, fancy clothes, fine homes and cars, so we say “NOT US!!!” We choose to Make “it” GREAT minus the conflict, drama and controversy.

Dream a BIG dream tonight, then wake up and make that BIG dream come true without compromising “You”. Keep leaning forward my friends and keep Making it GREAT!
My Book:


What intangible thing that has absolutely no value or worth unless you give it away? Well, it’s quite simply a “Compliment”. A 10-letter-word that is definitely worth much more than its weight in gold.

I encourage you to make a point to give one or two of them away today and make somebody else’s day GREAT! And, you just might find that it makes you smile too. 😉

Let’s Make this hump day soooo awesome that last weeks hump day get’s insanely jealous. Let’s Make it GREAT!
My Book:


The best things we can ever teach our kids in this life will be “caught” and not “taught”. Yes that’s right folks, we have to lead with our model and not just our mouth so they can “catch” you doing it and not just talking about it.
Let your kids see your positive passions in action and develop an understanding of why it makes a difference in this world and don’t be surprised if/when they start to leverage their own passions to do the same.

There are few things better than watching your kids Make it Great and knowing that you had a little something to do with planting that seed.

This breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely make you smile, so eat-up and go-up and Make it GREAT!
My Book:


Question: Do you know the name of the security guard at your local grocery store? When was the last time you gave a slurpee or a cup of coffee to that crossing guard that’s protecting those kids in your neighborhood daily?

Have you ever looked over at that police officer next to you at the stop light and smiled and gave them a thumbs-up? When was the last time you shook the hand of a person in a military uniform that didn’t share your last name and gave them a heart-felt “Thank You”?

These seemingly benign gestures may not make a difference in the world to the untrained eye, but a world of difference it could be for the person on the receiving end.

I challenge you to not let this week pass you by without being a “Good-4-Nothing” to someone(s) in your area. Doing “Good” for “Nothing” in return can actually yield you a pretty big return in the grand scheme of things. Give it a try and I guarantee they’ll be glad you did, and so will you. 🙂

Let’s go Make it GREAT you big-ole’ “Good-4-Nothings”! GREAT WEEK!!!
My Book:


While talking with one of my friends a few days ago I was suddenly reminded of an undercover phenomenon that is quietly leading to the demise of our great country. He didn’t actually say it but I felt it as our conversation drifted to a topic that is starting to impact him and his family directly.

The strength of this phenomenon lies in the fact that it’s actually disguised as something “good” and the notion that we should all strive for it at almost any cost is wreaking havoc on families around the globe.

So what is this phenomenon you ask? Well, I invite you to consider that even the greatest amount of “Success” on any job can never ever bridge the gap and make up for failure and extended absence in the home.

Now here’s where I put a “period (.)” and let you chew on this thought and think about how you will become the exception and find an acceptable balance and compromise to Make it GREAT……. Or just continue on with your business as usual.


(Here’s a hint: “They’re worth it…”
My Book:

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book