Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Many have asked the question of why do I do what I do the way I do it. Some may think it’s because of the money it can produce. Others may think it’s for the fame and notoriety it can possibly bring. And even still there are some who may attach some other selfish-ambition label on what I do.

But the honest-to-God truth is… I do what I do the way I do it quite simply because I’m afraid. Afraid of what you might ask? Well, I’m afraid of one day dying after having lived a life that was mediocre and really didn’t matter much as it relates to making this world a better place.

I’m afraid of joining the staggering number of sooooo many others who came and saw, but took no steps to conquer.

I’m afraid of being counted amongst the millions, if not billions of people who live-out a life of quiet desperation in a small bubble that did nothing in an attempt to serve the masses and leave their best mark.

Yes my friends, living from a small mindset might be the story of many others but over my dead body will that be my story. This may seem a bit harsh, but I fully intend to squeeze the juice out of this short life of mine in service to the world so when this body is done, there will be no further unused potential.

My prayer is that your sentiment and resolve is similar to mine and that you are fully intending to give the best gift back to the one who created you which is the gift of utilizing your God-given gifts to their full potential and the best of your ability.

Now let’s keep leaning forward in an attempt to not just make this life “good”, but to make this life absolutely GREAT!


If life had no downs, how would we know when we’re up? Yes my friends, the ups and downs of life are absolutely necessary for without one and the other you’re not even living at all. Hmmm…

Let’s keep Making it GREAT!


Turn your hurts, strains and pain into someone else’s gain. Leveraging your story for someone else’s benefit is the gift that pays you back one hundred fold because it’s both therapeutic and cathartic for you too. So don’t be afraid to crack open the book of your life’s story and turn some pages for someone else’s sake and Make it GREAT! You’ll be glad you did. 😉


Beware of the nasty “N” words this year:

The “Negatives”, the “No’s”, the “Never’s” and the “No-Shows”. The down-right Nastiness of the Naughty Naysayers won’t affect you this year like it’s done before.

None of this should distract or deter you from accomplishing the goal and task that you’ve set before yourself in this New Year.

So get-on out there in spite of the “Negatives” and make this year the year you just Get-it-DONE! Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


Some may say that the “Good die young”, but I say the “Great live forever”. So why strive to be just “Good” in this ‘life’ thing when we can thrive and be “GREAT” even after we’re gone.

Yes my friends the Great ones manage to leave a mark that remains in the hearts and minds of many for generations to come. So keep striving and thriving to make your mark and Make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book