The Fab-Five is what I call them and my wife Karen is the ring-leader. If it’s true that the mark of a Great man is the fruit of his family, then I must really be great because this fruit has turned out to be pretty tasty. LOL… 😉
All jokes aside… I do truly feel like I’m the most blessed husband and father of four on the planet on a daily basis to have a wife that loves me in spite of my faults, fallacies and habits and hang-ups, and four kids who bring me genuine joy with almost NO major challenges what-so-ever.
Many have asked me what’s the source of my BIG “cool-aid” smile and without a doubt I have to say that at the top of the list sits my Fab-Five. Dull moments are non-existent when this ragtag bunch is together and everybody’s a comedian. Nine to 19 are their ages and every passing year has brought me nothing but joy and cheer.
No the stories not over for them, it’s just beginning and I can’t wait to read the coming chapters of their lives. Goals and Dreams are a common theme and planning, persistence and perseverance are words that echo off the walls and through the halls of the Crawford residence regularly.
To be continued… is the status of their lives at this time and as strange as it may seem, I’m glad to say today that I’m actually proud in advance of who they will become tomorrow.
My wish for you this Christmas Season is that you will take time to really slow down and connect with those whom you share the same last name with and show them with your actions that you really appreciate who they are and who they’re becoming.
Let’s all make this Christmas season so awesome that last Christmas gets insanely jealous. 🙂 Let’s Make it GREAT!