A little unsolicited advice and word to the wise today for those of you who may find yourself in mutual verbal combat with a stubborn opposition to change.
Arguing with such people is like running on a treadmill, you get all hot and sweaty and when you’re all done you realize you got nowhere. The quicker you’re able to agree to disagree with the stubborn, closed-minded the less undue stress you have to endure.
Sometimes some people may think they know but they truly don’t know that they don’t know and they really need to know. Simply put, those who are walking in darkness but don’t know they’re walking in darkness will never seek the light. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put the life of the unwilling back together again.
So, jump off that treadmill and move on over to those who are willing and open to change and let’s continue in our efforts to make it GREAT!