Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The big Dreaded “D” has been spotted again recently on a rampage seeking to destroy more lives as usual.  This Dreaded “D” is no respecter of persons and it is completely reckless in its disregard for human life.  In fact its “MO” (motives of operation) is to ultimately take the life of the host that it resides in.

The Dreaded “D” has been with us since the beginning of time and no doubt it will always be with us to the end of time.  It manages to do its best work in the dark corners of our life when the curtains and the doors are all closed.  Free time and the absence of good friends and family also appears to open the door for it to flourish and gain momentum.

Many over the years have attempted to control it with alcohol or drugs or other addicting, habit-forming, negative, self-medicating behavior but these actions only appear to feed its appetite for destruction even more.

Some have attempted to tame it, blame it, rename it or disclaim it, but in the end it remains unchanged.  Yes my friends this Dreaded “D” has developed a nasty reputation for unbridled damage and destruction over the years.

So what is this Dreaded “D” you may ask?  Well, it’s simply called “Depression”.  Yep, chances are you’ve come into contact with it a time-or-two yourself over the years.  Some of you may even be going through the fire of that Dreaded “D” right now.  This 10 letter word has been known to wreak 10 times as much havoc on the lives of people than just about any other phenomenon.

The reason for its success over the years is because it’s quiet and sneaky.  It has an uncanny way of sneaking and creeping its way into the lives of unsuspecting individuals in crisis or transition and then refuses to leave without a nasty fight leaving undesirable aftermath in its wake.

But take heart my friends for the kryptonite for the Dreaded “D” is the Profound “P’s”.   “Passion” and “Purpose” in action does it every time.  So find that thing that fires you up about life and create a plan and purpose to pour it into the lives of others and watch that Dreaded “D” slowly flee and lose its foothold.

This breadcrumb of wisdom can surely make the difference between you Making it GREAT or just barely making it at all.  So let’s go Make it GREAT!

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Finding it increasingly harder to roll out of bed with a smile on your face and song in your heart on Monday mornings?  Is it becoming more and more of a struggle to find genuine joy in your daily routine?  Are you finding yourself becoming easily irritated with the nonsense of others around you in your space daily?

Well if this shoe fits, I have good news for you.  This issue is fixable.  Yes that’s right my friends, this doesn’t have to be your plight.  I invite you to consider the following as a simple, surefire remedy for what ails you.

Make time to find your passion and factor it into your daily life and you’ll find that your Monday’s will suddenly start to become more meaningful.  Continue to Read, Participate, Listen and Associate with great people and great things and you’ll soon find yourself making this ‘good’ life GREAT!  Guaranteed or your money back…  😉

Some of the answers to the most profound questions in this ‘life’ thing are actually very simple.  So find it, factor it and Make it GREAT!

Order my book today @:


The only “growing” in this life that requires absolutely no effort whatsoever is the act of growing-old, however, the act of growing-up is a choice.

That’s right folks, we all must eventually wrinkle, grey and wither away, but maturing along the way is totally optional.

Rudeness, crudeness and self-centered, blatant disregard for our fellowman should be something that never follows us into adulthood as we grow old, but for those who this shoe fits, beware because what goes-around comes-around and negative behavior has a way of attracting negative results.

To that end, I was at Costco yesterday and an elderly woman in a grey colored, four-door sedan was waiting patiently at the end of a parking aisle for another vehicle to back out.  After the vehicle had successfully pulled out of the parking space, another small white compact car came quickly whipping around the corner doing a complete u-turn maneuver and sliced right in front of the grey car narrowly missing a collision and slid into the open parking space.

HONK! HONK! HONK!!!!!” was the sound from the grey sedan in an effort to get the other drivers attention, but the female driver in the white car completely ignored the other driver.  Dozens of people in the front of the store witnessed the incident and were in awe of such blatantly rude behavior from an adult woman with kids.

I must admit that my curiosity got the best of me, so I hung around and watched as the young female driver in the white car quickly exited her vehicle and retrieved her two kids who appeared to be under four-years-old and hurried into the store to the dismay of all the onlookers not once making eye contact or even acknowledging the elderly woman in the grey sedan.

As fate would have it, minutes later I was in line in the food court area with my kids and we just-so-happened to be standing right next to the white car lady.

Hey Dad, that’s the mean lady that just stole that woman’s parking spot,” whispered my 11-year-old son Chance.  “I guess she was just in a hurry to eat…” he said.  We shared a quick little laugh then we overheard the cashier tell the woman that the pizza that she said she ordered 45 minutes ago was not ready because they didn’t have a ticket for it and she would have to wait.  Oooops…  😉

Now that’s Karma for you…” said little Chance.  “Poetic justice…” I added.

I must admit that it never ceases to amaze me the type of callous, self-centered behavior that I see grown, adult people perpetrate against others.  That love and kindness stuff that we try to teach to our kids and talk about at our churches, temples, synagogues, mosque, grand cathedrals and sacred sanctuaries is not meant to stay within the four walls.  It’s meant to be lived-out in our day-to-day lives.  Only a special kind of fool would dare model such flagrantly disrespectful behavior in front of our youth then ask in return that they behave otherwise.  Hmmm…

I think that I speak for all of those who feel as I do when I say these words today, “GROW UP!”  Love and Kindness starts with one person at a time, one day at a time, so please commit today to do your part and be the exception to the madness so we can Make it GREAT together.




Only a fool would pray a prayer of, “Oh Lord, please forgive me and show me a little grace and mercy for not being able to forgive others and show them a little grace and mercy.”

That’s right folks, as ridiculous as this prayer sounds, no one in their righteous mind would ever dare pray these words, but oftentimes our actions suggest that we harbor this notion.

Our ability to forgive others who have wronged us and exercise a little unearned grace and undeserved mercy is what separates the ‘good’ from the GREAT.

The years have taught me that these three words are much easier to say than to actually put into practice on a regular basis.  But those who are able to master these three powerful elements will soon find themselves transcending to a whole new level of existence.

Yes my friends, mastering F.M.G. (Forgiveness, Mercy & Grace) is the key that can set you free and even increase your lease on life.  Free from what you might ask?  Well free from harboring anger, resentment and strife, for a life that’s void of these three hurtful things is sure to experience an increase.  Don’t believe me, try it out for yourself.  It definitely can’t hurt.  Hmmm…

This is definitely a little-known, vital breadcrumb of wisdom that can lead you to Making it GREAT!

Mastering F.M.G. is the Key……..  You’ll See……

Let’s Make it GREAT…..


Gossip Groupies and Drama Dragons can oftentimes be found trolling the deep waters of our wacky world looking to drop lines of tantalizing conversation in an attempt to fish for those who would join their ranks of criticizing, complaining and condemning others, but the well-informed fish recognize their hooks of hopelessness and don’t bite.

That’s right my friends, a fortunate few of us understand that no good can ever come from idle chatter and hateful rhetoric that’s meant to tear others down.  So it has become easy for us to recognize this phenomenon in others and manage to steer clear of the dangerous hooks of such conversations.

I caution you in the days ahead to be on the lookout for the fish-hooks of those would-be Gossip Groupies and Drama Dragons attempting to ensnare you and bring you into their fold of fruitless, damaging conversation.  Resist this at all cost and continue in your attempt to plant positive, affirming flowers where they’re trying to get negative, damning weeds to grow.

There’s a shortage of our type in the world and we need you to step up now more than ever to help counter act this epidemic of malignant verbal action.

So can we count on you to do your part?  You don’t have to answer out loud or raise your hand, just hear this message and understand and make your plan to take a stand.  Let’s continue in our noble efforts to make it GREAT!     DON’T BITE!!!



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Make it Great Volume 2 Book