Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Death (Where did she go)I lost another dear relative a few days ago and once again we find ourselves asking the popular question of, “Where did she go and how do we know?

Many the world-over have debated this issue down through the years and to-date conclusive evidence is an impossibility.  Each religion has attempted to accurately explain and define what happens in the “hereafter,” but the honest-to-God truth is no human being can ever really know until they go.

Yes, many continue in their attempt to define it, but I believe that our Creator has designed its complete understanding for our spiritual eyes only to behold when our earthly eyes close for the last time.  This notion may fly in the face of some conventional religious wisdom but it makes complete sense to me.

Losing my mother in May of 2008 was an unprecedented, eye-opening experience for me for never had I lost someone who was so close to me.  Unfortunately I wasn’t there the moment she drew her last breath and stepped out of this world, but I was told that it was uneventful and peaceful.  Hours later as I leaned over her lifeless body in the presence of my Dad and three brothers I whispered a question and made a bold statement that only she and I will know.  Well, honestly I’m not even sure if she heard me, but the action I took in that very moment did something for me that continues to motivate me today.

The question I asked hasn’t been answered but the bold statement I made is becoming more and more real with every passing day.  Simply put, I feel as if though her memory and the memory of what was shared in that moment pushes me to pursue Greatness in the area of service-to-many.

So, can we actually know for sure?  Can we accurately depict and define what comes next?  Are any of us worthy of the title of being declared “Right?”  Hmmm…  Let the debaters debate and the opinionaters opinionate and when the dust settles, I still will find myself leaning not to my own understanding but clinging on to my trust and my faith and my unshakeable belief.

Cousin Vera, I can trust and have faith that my belief is accurate and you’re spirit is in a place that makes you smile.  Thanks for the positive contributions you gave and the memories you made while you were here.  The memory of your last smiling face with your warm embrace remains etched in my mind, on my body and inside my soul.

Catrina Allen-Taylor, Crystal Allen and Tahaka Allen, your mother’s contribution of bringing you both into this world and giving you a good start is something we can all be proud of.  I love you all to pieces and back together again.  In honor of your Mom and my Mom too, I say to you on this glorious day, let’s go make this life GREAT!  🙂

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Perfect People Don't ExistI hate to be the whistle-blower today but someone has to eventually tell you the truth so it might as well be me, but please don’t kill the messenger because I mean you only good.  So here goes… Deep breath…  Sighhh…

It’s with a concerned heart that I reluctantly inform you today that there’s no such thing as Unicorns with horns, Mermaids with fish tales or perfect people with perfect lives.

Yes folks it’s true, these mythical creatures do not exist and this is the only expectation that I encourage you to lower or disappointment awaits you around the corner.  I may have mentioned this before but it bears repeating that flaws, fallacies and unfavorable failures exist in all of us in some way, shape or form.  In fact that’s really what makes us human.  Hmmm…

I’m convinced that the sooner we are able to understand this reality and embrace it, the less the severity of future disappointment.  That’s right, perfect people with perfect lives will never exist, but imperfect people striving to live perfect lives can sure help us to make it GREAT!

So keep learning and churning and growing and going and thriving and striving for the ever-illusive quality of perfection in the days ahead.  This is definitely a breadcrumb of wisdom that can get you one step closer to making it GREAT!

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Lonely LeaderI’d like to issue an unsolicited PSA (Public Service Announcement) today to those who are in pursuit of something great or significant.  There’s no lonelier feeling than the feeling experienced by the successful person at the top who has few friends to share it with.

That person who took the phrase “By any means necessary.” Literally and left a host of carnage and carcasses in their wake on their ascension.  That person who compromised their integrity and “good name” for the gain.  That person who climbed the ladder of success all the way to the top only to find that their ladder was leaning against the wrong building and they should’ve been lifting others up while they were climbing.

Yes, the loneliness experienced by this type of person is unmatched and unparalleled.  Don’t let this be you.  I invite you to make a verbal commitment to yourself that no matter what comes your way, you will not compromise your integrity and “good name” for gain.  You will refuse to throw caution to the wind to link up with unsavory friends.  You will resist every unwelcomed urge to take a short cut to the top if it means laying your ethics and morals aside.

So I say to you today congratulations in advance for staying your course and making it GREAT while taking others with you.  Keep making it GREAT!!!

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A Prayer for HIS willJPGI just had this interesting thought to pop into my head today and I thought I’d share it with you in hopes that you too will glean some value from it.  You may have to get out your scuba-gear for this one because it may be a little deep, but it’s definitely Sabbath-Day appropriate.

So it seems to me that the world knows exactly how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie-Roll Lollypop.  But the world may never know exactly how many prayers it takes to change the will of our sovereign Creator?  Hmmm…

In my humble opinion I believe that no amount of prayers, fasting or Hail Mary’s can change the will of He who knows all, sees all and created all.  Because this is true, it seems to me that many prayers, pleas and petitions that are specific to a request seeking action by our Creator could be in direct contradiction to His will if we’re not careful.

To that end, I believe that a suitable prayer should include a request for His supreme will to be done and for the strength, understanding and ability to embrace the results, accept the outcome and learn the lesson and message in it all.  Yes, the words, “Your will be done.” are easy to say but can be much more challenging to truly accept, but this too is necessary.  Yes my friends, as tragic as it may sometimes seem in the moments of life, I know that His will holds ultimate plans to prosper us and those around us in the days ahead.

So, I encourage you to move forward today with a renewed vision and belief that in times of suffering, struggles and strain there’s something better to gain coming around the mountain for you no matter what the current situation or circumstance is.  So, I say to you today, keep those prayers flowing in the right direction and continue in your day-to-day efforts to make your challenging days GREAT!  This is definitely a breadcrumb of wisdom that can make life oh-so-sweet.  🙂

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Thought Template Shot - 2If it’s true that our eyes are the windows to our soul, then our words are the fingerprints of our heart and our actions are the outward manifestation of our inner-most feelings and all that we hold dear.

Yes my friends, our eyes, words and actions can tell the real story of who we really are behind the facade that many of us carry with us through this “life” thing. So pay close attention to what you say and what you do and if you really want to hide the truth, be sure to close your eyes so that others can’t see through you.

Just a little breadcrumb of wisdom for you to take into your weekend.  Let’s continue in our noble efforts to make it GREAT! 

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book