Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Shut Up (Words to Live by)SHUT UP!!!”  Two words that I find myself using quite often when I hear that ever-so-quiet and persistent little voice inside my head telling me to give up because no one cares about the difference I’m trying to make in this world.

GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!” Is my favorite five word phrase that I tell those naysayers who are attempting to stand in between me and my noble and just cause or goal or dream.

WATCH ME!!!”  Are the two words I love to yell at the top of my voice at those who dare to tell me that I can’t do GREAT things in this world.

Yes my friends, tough words are needed for tough times and tough situations.  If you find yourself experiencing a bit of turbulence from naysayers on your ascension to those higher heights on your life’s journey, feel free to borrow a few of my favorite words and phrases to get you over the hill and through the woods.

Yes you CAN make a BIG difference in your community.  Yes your noble and just cause and goals and dreams ARE worthy of your best efforts, and absolutely YES YOU CAN do GREAT THINGS in this world!

So be encouraged today, stay positive and keep pushing forward as you attempt to make it GREAT in the days ahead.


Cheerful GiverSo I’m hanging out at the park last night playing basketball with my four group-home boys.  A bit of light rain had scared off all the others for the day, but it takes much more than that to get rid of me and my boys.

After about two hours of basketball and other activities I found myself chasing down the basketball as it rolled off the court and into an adjacent grassy area.  As I reached down to scoop up the ball, I noticed in plain sight a folded twenty-dollar-bill.

Wow!  Look what I found!” I said.  The boys ran over to me and started screaming in elation as if we had just won the lottery.  Immediately they stated, “Let’s go to Wal-Greens and buy some candy and stuff.”  I then asked if they had any other suggestions.  After a few seconds of silence one of them said, “What do you mean?

Well, what do you guys think about blessing someone who could really use a little money for food.” I said.  Hmmm…  Another few seconds of silence, then, the little one said, “RED!!!  LET’S GO GIVE IT TO RED!!!”  Red is our homeless friend who lives in a secluded area of the park and he’s always kind to me and my boys.

So, at eight o’clock at night my boys sprinted off into the darkness with me behind them running for the fenced, sump area that leads to Red’s home.

I must admit that the first thought that came to my mind as I witnessed this was, “What better example of a cheerful giver can you have than this?”  You see, their true intent was not to give expecting or looking for something in return.  They were genuinely looking to give without want.  Hmmm…  What a lesson from four pre-teens.  From the mouths of babes and the innocent hearts of children.  I think they “got it.”  🙂

I invite you to be mindful of the spirit in which you decide to give this year and every year after.  For a cheerful giver that truly gives without an ulterior motive or intent of want will be blessed with much.

Oh, and Red was extremely happy to be on the receiving end of their kind gesture.  Don’t miss your opportunities to make this good life “GREAT!


img_0948Ready or not here it comes.  The new year is upon us.  New resolutions, new promises and new expectations abound but don’t be surprised if 2014 rolls around and nothing has really changed for you.

I learned a little-known secret a while ago.  Well, actually it’s not really a secret at all but most people don’t pay much attention to it.  Over the years I’ve been able to reduce it down to an easy-to-understand formula.  I call it the D8 Formula.  I invite you to consider it’s validity in the days ahead.

D8 means “Doing Daily Disciplines Daily Develops Dominance & Determines Destiny.”  Simply put, the things that you choose to do today and everyday hereafter will determine your destiny tomorrow.  If you commit to do those things today that most won’t you will eventually be able to do those things tomorrow that most don’t.

Choose to be the exception this year and incorporate those new disciplines in your day and watch what happens.  Or don’t expect anything to be different at years end.  Your 2013 can truly be Great if you commit to make it that way.  The process is pretty simple but it aint always easy.

So set those positive daily disciplines this year and stay the course and let’s make this year AWESOME!!!  😉


Banner - 2aBring on the new year!!! I’m READY!!! Servant Leadership and Passion Hot Pursuit is my commitment.

2013 is indeed a welcomed event. Dare to join with me in saying “Mountain! Move out of my way!”

THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to all of you who have purchased a copy of my new book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT.” There’s no better way to start off a new year than having an asset to ride shotgun with you into the days ahead to keep you Inspired, Motivated, Encouraged and Educated.

Let’s all keep leaning forward and definitely keep Making it GREAT!

I can’t wait for you to see what’s coming NEXT!!! WooHooooo…


Well, for those of you who were wondering…  Yes, Black Santa was at it again this year spreading Christmas cheer.

The Crawford’s mounted up this morning for our 7th Annual Candy-Cane Treck through the neighborhoods of North West Bakersfield, CA.

Horns honking, camera’s flashing, kids screaming and vehicles passing as we dash-away, Dash Away, DASH AWAY ALL!!!  We didn’t set any new records this year giving out candy canes but we did manage to create a hundred or so smiles.

My Dad was up visiting from Dallas, Texas and attempted to join-in but chickened out at the last minute after he heard how far we were planning to go.  No worries though, maybe next year.  🙂

I must admit this is one of our many highlights of the day, making people smile.  A family tradition it is and I can only hope that my kiddos will carry it on when they’re grown and gone.

We understand that Christmas Cheer is of absolutely no use unless you spread it around, so spreading we did.  Two hours later and three pounds lighter I returned with my trusty elves ready for a hearty meal with all the fixings, good family conversation with relatives and a memory that’s sure to last for a month of Tuesday’s.

Don’t miss your opportunity to make some memories and make some smiles as you attempt to make it GREAT during this Holiday Christmas Season.

2013 will be a BLAST and I’d love for you to start off with my devotional style, personal development book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT.”  You can order it today at  For the rest of this year you can use the secret code-word “Good4Nothing” when you order the book online to save an instant $5 off the retail price.

Also you Do-Gooders and Good-4-Nothings doing “good” in your communities for “nothing”, we invite you to drop by Russo’s Books in the Market Place @ 9000 Ming Ave. this Sunday (30th) between the hours of 1pm – 3pm for a HUGE book-signing event.

We’re trying to set a new record for attendees at the book store and we want you to be a part of it.  So, COME JOIN US!!!  The first 50 people will also get some FREE stuff  that is guaranteed to help you stay focused in the new year.  Can we count on you?  Hope to see you there…

From my family to yours we say Make it a GREAT and spread some Christmas Cheer all Year!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book