Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Let’s take the barcode off of our Dreams and place them into the priceless glass case behind the counter because our Dreams are NOT for Sale!

So, the smooth talk and slick lines of you cunning suitors won’t be enough to attract and distract us from that goal or dream that we seek. So, keep your words in your mouth and your money in your pocket because the only price that will be paid for our dreams is the one that will be paid with our undying efforts.

So, in your goals & dreams and legitimate schemes and in all that you do and what you pursue, stay the course and Make it GREAT!!!


And as usual, it’s perfectly Ok to share if you dare… 😉

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I got a phone call recently from a good friend who has a BIG dream and had just been under attack by a “Well-Intentioned Dragon”. You know the type. That good friend who probably means you well, but their free words of advice are insensitive, inaccurate & ignorant of the facts and may cause you to question your own resolution and resolve to accomplishing that which you seek.

So as a result, I felt compelled to issue this short & sweet, friendly reminder for those of us who may find ourselves faced with the same scenario in the not-so-distant future:

Here goes…

Be not phased or dismayed by such Dragon’s. May the fire of their harmful words be quickly extinguished and rendered completely harmless by our unwavering commitment to achieve because quite simply we believe it’s possible.

So, stay the course my friends for one more day, then repeat until your success shows up. 🙂

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!

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True Success & Gain in the absence of Struggle & Strain can never be Obtained & Sustained.

Yes my friends, it’s the struggle and strain that adds intrinsic value to the goal obtained. So, let’s embrace the strain on our way to achieving the gain that we seek and let’s Make it GREAT!!!

GREAT DAY Young Grasshoppers!!!

And of course it’s always Ok to share if you dare… 😉


I was rambling around in my mother-in-law’s garage and found this reminder and thought I’d pass it on to you.

We need to fill this thing before we kick this thing. 🙂

Don’t miss your opportunity to Make it GREAT!!!


Ok to share if you dare… 😉


Was driving back home from Los Angeles a day ago with my daughter and her husband when I saw my first-ever full rainbow off in the distance. “Whoa, look at that!!! I’ve got to pullover and get a picture of it.”

20 pictures later I was satisfied that I’d managed to capture the essence of the entire rainbow experience on photo so I turned and headed back over to my car. Then my daughter and her husband opened the car door and started to get out so they could capture a picture together, but when I turned around to look, the rainbow had faded away. “Ooops… I guess you waited too long and now the ‘thrill’ is gone.” I said. “You snooze you lose that’s the opportunity rules.” LOL.

This experience reminded me that often times in life we can sit and watch the amazing and spectacular happen right before our very eyes and convince ourselves NOT to move, so we miss the moment. Don’t let that be you.

Carpe Diem and Make it GREAT!!!

Ok to share if you dare… 😉

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book