Bobby McFerrin’s 1988 hit song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” was the song of the year and created a viral feeling of being footloose and fancy free in a time of turmoil and uncertainty. This was definitely needed at the time for a country that was going through a real estate market crisis. Flashing back to that era has caused me to give some deep thought about the “Worry” thing, and you know what happens when I start to thinking deep thoughts, LOL…
So please lend me your ear so I can make myself clear:
After thinking this through it’s become apparent to me that a life void of worry is a life void of love, for to “worry” is to be a human in love. Yes that’s right my friends, worrying is specifically for those human beings who love someone or something and are afraid of it being lost or harmed. Realizing and recognizing this truth has compelled me to no longer attempt to caution people about NOT worrying. My new approach has been to encourage people not to “worry” for long.
Yes my friends it seems that our natural tendency as humans is to worry and be concerned about the safety and wellbeing of those people and things we love and care about. So, my unsolicited advice is to don’t resist the innate urge to “worry”. Just make sure you don’t “worry” for long before you put it aside and carry on. An even better notion may be to put that “worry” thing into the hands of the one who created you and me and that can set your mind FREE! It works for me.
So, go ahead and “worry” for a bit, but then get rid of it. I wonder if Mr. Bobby McFerrin can make a song out of this one and maybe call it, “Worry A Bit, Then Get Rid of It”. Hmmm… Not a bad idea I think. LOL
wink emoticon
In the meantime, let’s keep leaning forward this week as we toss our “worry” aside and Make it GREAT!