Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

As a Motivational Speaker I’ve always been amazed at how easy it is for me to get the people in my audience to clap their hands and even raise their hands, but getting them to get up and go out and actually “use” their hands to serve others in need is a whole different story.

We talk about Love, Kindness and Compassion as if these words really mean something to us, but these words need a voice, a pair of feet and two hands in order to be meaningful. So, a good question today is, “What are you prepared to do in service to others?” No need to answer this question here, just make sure you’re intentions are crystal clear.

Let’s choose to serve others as we attempt to make this “good” life GREAT!



Well, did you see it? It was all over the news 10 years ago and it managed to catch the attention of people all over the world. As a result, it was quickly dubbed the Hundred Year Bloom of Death Valley which took place in the winter of 2005.

Death Valley is considered to be one of the hottest most arid places on earth with the second hottest recording on record of 134 degrees Fahrenheit in 1913.

Sitting at over 280 feet below sea level the over 550 square miles of land and mountains have been barren, dry and devoid of anything that resembles life for scores of years.

Records had shown a dismal two inches of rain per year in the arid climate until the winter of the year 2005 when a freak series of uncharacteristic rains happened upon the area and managed to dump over 6.5 inches of water in a short period of time over the entire valley. Then it happened.

Days later, life started to slowly creep up out of the once parched earth and dormant landscape and suddenly there was a yellow and green carpet of wildflowers that appeared virtually out of nowhere causing many to gaze upon the land of Death Valley in awe of the new life.

Could this be true that life springs up from something that had all the makings of something that resembled no life at all? Well, the answer was a resounding “YES”.

I truly believe that once again this is just nature’s way of reminding us all that the dormant seeds of opportunity are always present just below our surface in this “life” thing and if given the right amount of water and encouragement over the right amount of time, the spark of a miracle could happen to the landscape of any life that may have once been fruitless and unproductive. WOW!!!

So, a good question today is, who are you watering, encouraging and inspiring lately? Or, are you in need of a little “water/encouragement” yourself lately? Hmmm… For those of you who need a bit of encouragement may my words give you a glimpse of hope, and for those of you who need to encourage someone else, I say to you today, don’t wait to make it Great.

Let’s be the water of wisdom and encouragement for those in need with dormant seeds and let’s help them to Make it GREAT!


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I used to ask myself why does it appear that the negative naysayers that spew drama, dissention and divisive rhetoric always seem to be the ones with the largest audiences and the biggest mouths. But, after a while I finally figured it out for myself and the reason is quite simple. In fact, after sharing it with you I’m sure you’ll immediately agree.

Well, it all boils down to one 13 letter word that starts with “E” and ends with a “T” and we all have a hidden hunger for it. That word is, “Entertainment”. Yes that’s right folks there’s something in us all that craves entertainment from time-to-time and unfortunately many of us find that entertainment in people who’re loud and divisively-controversial.

So, my simple unsolicited advice today to those whom this shoe may fit is, “Don’t feed the beast.” That’s right my friends, the more we give a platform of attention to the controversy-crazed content creators the more their audience and demand grows. So, let’s stop turning it on and tuning it in then maybe we can reverse the trend.

Let’s do our part to Make it GREAT!!!



We never need a rhyme or reason to display kindness in every season.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book