Do you know what “Fear” smells like?
Chicken !!! LOL…
That’s right folks, so don’t be a “Chicken” this week. Get out there and Make it GREAT!
Do you know what “Fear” smells like?
Chicken !!! LOL…
That’s right folks, so don’t be a “Chicken” this week. Get out there and Make it GREAT!
Don’t be surprised if the biggest bully in your life ends up being the memory of your last failure.
The time you said you would change,
But still went back to doing the same-ole-thang.
The time you set that elusive goal,
But your new disciplines quickly got old.
The time you said you would lose that weight,
But your old habits were just too hard to break.
And the time you said, “Never again.”
But your “Never” changed after you were back around your old friends.
Yes my friends, the memory of our last fall, fumble or failure can be a HUGE BULLY in our lives causing us to never want to take risk or try again. But I would like to encourage you this Thankful Thursday to get back up again and stand up to that big bully of failure.
The greatest goal achievers in life didn’t do so in the absence of failure, they did so in spite of the failure. So, get back on that horse and try, Try, TRY again until you reach the results you seek and Make it GREAT!
And of course, it’s always OK to share if you dare. 😉
Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
Store: TheInspirationStore.com
She told me she was feeling okay,
But her eyes gave her true feelings away.
His physical appearance showed his glory,
But his voice & tone told a whole different story.
She said everything was alright,
But I could tell she’d been crying throughout the night.
He said he was fine and didn’t need my help,
But his expression couldn’t hide what he really felt.
Yes my friends, many attempt to hide what’s really inside because of a distorted sense of foolish pride,
But a true friend can recognize and NOT let you slide to the side and run and hide.
So when we say the words, “How are you doing?” do we really want to know? When we say, “How have you been?” are we really interested in the answer? Hmmm… The unfortunate truth for many is “Probably not”. In most cases these are just “Throw-out” kind words and “Niceties” that are hollow in there delivery and benign in there intent. But they don’t have to be.
You see my friends these words can become words of opportunity if we let them. Opportunity for what, you may ask. Well, an opportunity to get a good read so you can help a friend in need.
So a good question today is, “If you have a solution to someone else’s problem, but it takes some of your time, talent, treasures or testimony, are you willing to get involved?” Hmmm…
No need to answer this question here, just make sure you’re intentions are crystal clear.
So, how are you doing???
I encourage you to ask, look and listen for those opportunities in the days ahead to get a good read so you can do a good deed by filling a need to help someone else succeed. This is indeed a recipe for how we can make a “good” life, GREAT!
Let’s Make it GREAT!!!
Ok to share if you dare…
Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
Store: TheInspirationStore.com
In all that you do get involved in something that’s bigger than you.
So, don’t just make a dollar, make a difference.
Don’t just make an income, make an impact.
Don’t just make a living, live your making.
And, don’t just make money, make some lifelong memories as you attempt to Make it GREAT!!!
Don’t be afraid to share if you dare. 🙂
Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
Store: TheInspirationStore.com
Are the words you speak when others are weak,
Worthy of plagiarism by those who seek?
Are your goals and dreams and all your schemes,
Suitable to be envied by others who dream?
Are your daily actions for your desires and attractions,
Worthy of duplication by others with strong passions?
These questions are few so in all that you do
Be earnest cause others have their eyes fixed on you.
It’s never too early or never too late,
To change your direction and start Making it GREAT!!!