Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I fell into some old, time-wasting, unproductive habits and lost a good portion of my time yesterday but today I will win again, PERIOD!

Yes my friends, truth be told we all have a proverbial “thorn or thorns” that can distract us and keep us in need of a little bit of grace and mercy from time-to-time and I’m definitely not foolish enough to pretend that I’m some type of exception. Yes indeed, to be perfectly honesty, sometimes I loss and sometimes I win.

The good news is that over the years I’ve gotten reallllly good at winning most of the time and I can put long distances of days, weeks, months and even years between some of my losses and I’m happy to say that although I may loss sometime, never am I defeated. Why? Well, it’s simply because being defeated means that you made a choice to stay in the “Loss”, and believe or not even NOT making a choice is actually making a choice.

Yes indeed my friends we will fall down in this “life” thing but we have to continue to make a conscious decision to get back up and run again to win. I’m convinced that our Creator delights in the comeback stories of our lives. So may my transparency today be a sign for you, You and each of YOU within eye-shot and ear-shot of my written words that to error is to be human and he or she who says otherwise or proclaims to be without flaws or hang-ups is two-kinds-of-crazy and three-kinds-of-foolish.

It’s ok that we may at times fall, drop, fail or flop. The thing that makes the difference is whether or not we stay in the setback. The great speaker Willie Jolley once said, “A Setback is just a setup for a comeback.” But, I think my friend Apostle Paul said it best when he wrote in my favorite book called “The Bible” his encouraging, reaffirming words hundreds of years ago to a group of people from Corinth to inspire and encourage them to boast all the more in their weaknesses for it is then that they can become stronger through the help of the one who created us all. (2 Corinthians 12: 7-10)

So, “GET BACK UP!” I say and get back into your race because someone is quietly counting on you to WIN much more than you loss! So, let’s keep pushing to Make it GREAT!!!

It’s a GREAT DAY to WIN again!!!


I showed up unannounced at the gym today in search of one of my old friends whom I hadn’t hung out with in a few weeks. I knew he would be there hanging out in his usual areas so he wouldn’t be very hard to find. This friend is definitely one of those rare friends of mine that I have a love/hate relationship with but he’s guaranteed to always produce results in me in more ways than one.

Many of you may know this friend of mine and may also have similar stories of how he’s helped you to produce desired results too in the past. For those of you who haven’t quite figured out who this friend of mine is yet, please allow me to introduce you to him. His name is PAIN.

Yep that’s right my friends, good-ole’ Pain is his name and he also has a couple of cousins named Adversity and Strain and I’ve found that they too are equally as talented at producing results and making me better.

I encourage you to get to know these cousins Pain, Adversity and Strain on a personal basis because it’s there you will eventually find the GAIN you seek.

Now get-on out there and Make it GREAT!!!


Feeling like you’re at a fork in the road and the odds are stacked against you making it through this crucial point in life unscathed? Well, the words “fear not” appears 365 times in my favorite book which is commonly referred to as “The Bible”. Yes that’s right my friends, there’s one “fear not” for every day of the year. Coincidence? Hmmm… I think not. And, even on leap year I guess we can assume that we’re supposed to continue to “fear not” on that extra day as well.

So, I may not know you but I bet I know you have those days when this reminder is absolutely necessary. So, “FEAR NOT” my friends as you embark upon your unpredictable journey and take solace in the thought that there will be a lesson designed to make you better hidden inside whatever choice you make on your way to Making it GREAT!

So, FEAR NOT and make it an AWESOME WEEK!!!


My Wednesday Warning of Wisdom for you is a friendly reminder and although I may have said this before in the past, it definitely bears repeating that our most formidable “Enemy” will be our “Inner-Me”.

That’s right friends, our “Inner-Me” knows all of our weaknesses and keeps extremely accurate records of our faults, failures and fears and won’t think twice about leveraging them to keep things at an unchanged, predictable status quo. So, be sure to install some great daily disciplines that keeps that “Inner-Me” of yours at bay and keeps you moving in the direction of the results you desire.

Let’s Make it GREAT!


So, I’m sitting in my office right now listening to the idle-chatter of conversation that’s coming from my kids and their Mom in the other room. They’re all swapping funny stories of past events and as they all are laughing I suddenly found myself smiling at my desk as I realize how blessed I am to have kids who are genuinely joyful and almost never in need.

Then I’m reminded of the fact that they won’t always be here sharing these four walls of our home together. Yes, they will eventually grow up to have their own families and be tasked with making their own memories inside their own four walls. Well, it should come as no surprise that we as parents will all one day have to realize this sobering reality.

So since this is true, I believe that it’s vitally important that we model a home of love, kindness, understanding, respect and reasonable stability. These things will no doubt increase the chances of us producing kids with a healthy mind and an internal joy that is not easily taken away by the outside world.

Yes my friends, nothing makes me smile more than knowing that my wife and kids have a sense of comfort in knowing that they can continually let their hair down, laugh, cry, speak openly and express themselves and be themselves without fear of reprisals or repercussions. I pray that many of you are fortunate enough to experience the same inside your four walls as well.

Yes, I’m feeling a little bit blessed right about now, so I think I’ll stop writing and go in there and join my crew 🙂 LOL… Let’s make this week so Awesome that last week gets insanely jealous.


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book