Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Please allow me to be the first to give you some unsolicited words of encouragement today whoever you are and highlight some key truths that you may need to be reminded of at this current time.

You may feel a bit pressed but remember you’re NOT crushed.
You may feel assaulted at times but you’re NOT annihilated.
You may feel hurt but it’s NOT hopeless.
You may be down but you’re NOT defeated.
You may feel a little lonely but you’re never alone.
You may feel that you can’t win but you’re NOT a loser.
You may feel a bit confused but you’re NOT conquered.
And, at times you may feel persecuted but at NO time are you ever abandoned.

Yes my friends, troubles and struggles don’t last always and when you’re in the fog of what may appear to be Fear, Frustration and Failure it may be a bit hard to see the big sun that once made you smile. But take heart my friends for that sun is still there, you just have to keep pushing on through until the fog breaks and you can see clearly again.

So, hang-on-in-there my friends and know that “this too shall pass” and you will then have yet another story to tell of how you were able to overcome and become a little bit better during the process. And, never forget that we only get one time through this “life” thing, so let’s NOT just try to make it “good”, let’s keep-on-pushing to Make it GREAT!


Did you know that the sun never actually comes up or goes down, our planet just spends around and around while our feet stay on the ground?

43 years of living this “life” thing has taught me much and one of those things I’ve come to realize is that things aren’t always as they seem. This also holds true for our futures. What we see with our physical eyes today may not always be what it seems for what’s to come tomorrow.

So if what you currently see isn’t favorable or your goals aren’t being realized as fast as you hoped, I encourage you to stay focused NOT on what you see today with those physical eyes, but on your positive mental vision of your future for tomorrow and keep-on doing those key things that will lead you to Making it GREAT!

Make this week CRAZY AWESOME!!!


September 11th, a day that we remember our hero’s
And recommit to bring down our foe’s.

We display our cherished military dog-tags
And wave proudly our American flags.

We reflect back on where we were when we heard the news
And how we spent that entire day watching the news crews.

We recall how we felt from seeing the twin towers a-blaze,
From the likes of several madmen on a jihadist craze.

But we cling to our resolve and our family and our friends,
And increase our vigilance so this won’t happen again.

So join with me today as we all take time to remember,
That infamous 11th day in this month of September.

We will never forget.


Did you know that one of the most successful tactics of war is “Isolation”? If the enemy can cut off the ability to communicate and be reinforced with food, water, gas and ammunition, it’s just a matter of time before the opposition will eventually have to succumb to defeat.

If I told you that this is also true in life and business would you believe me? Well, believe me or not it’s 100% true. If we allow ourselves to become isolated from our friends, our family, our Creator and the things that encourage and lift us up daily, it’s just a matter of time before the dreaded “D” (Depression) creeps in and robs us all of our ability to win.

So, no matter the stress, the strain, the heartache or the pain, don’t let it drive you into a corner of frustration and isolation. Keep those lines of communication and association open so reinforcements can get through to you and keep your motivation and inspiration and never stop your education. This is indeed one of the key steps to Making it GREAT!
My weekly Video’s to inspire you:


I believe that the greatest yet most overlooked and unrecognized power an individual can ever possess is the power of one person’s actions to negatively dictate the actions and feelings of another. Yes my friends, this type of power carries more weight than you’d ever know and many all over the world can be found guilty on many occasions of unknowingly giving this power over to many individuals in their lives every day.

I too at times have fallen victim to this same phenomenon repeatedly over the years. That was until one day I read somewhere how important it is for us to maintain control of our feelings and responsive-actions at all times. So, I encourage you today to never let someone’s actions or inactions toward you elicit a negative response or reaction from you. If so, this could quite possibly lead to ruining your day, your week or even your whole life if you’re not careful and that’s just too much power to give to another individual.

So, again I encourage you to never let the actions or inactions of another dictate our personal feelings and mood. Make every effort to stay in control in the days ahead so we can all Make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book