Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

For those of you who feel lately like you’re becoming a huge success at failing or you’re feeling as-if-though it appears you’re managing to get better and better at getting worse and worse, please allow me to give you an unsolicited word of advice followed by a HUGE dose of encouragement today.

The last time I checked, the proverbial definition of insanity still was the act of doing something over-and-over again but expecting a different result. So, I invite you to consider stopping the insane behavior and considering another proven plan of action that can produce the positive results you seek, because if we continue to do what we’ve always done, we’re destined to continue to get what we’ve always been getting. Make sense?

Simply put; “Action” alone won’t get you there, wherever “there” is for you. The wrong “Action” will simply just send us further-and-further in the wrong direction. So consider finding a proven system for achieving what you want and don’t be surprised when you start to see things change for the better. 🙂

Be encouraged today and keep leaning forward in the days ahead. Something special awaits you just around the corner of your life and it will be creatively revealed by your diligent actions in the “right” direction with the right, proven plan.

Let’s continue in our unrelenting efforts to Make it GREAT!
My Book:


“The key to making the biggest impact in this “life” thing is making sure that your Purpose and Passion are in some way linked and synced to your daily actions.”

“In the game of “Show & Tell” the action of “Showing” carries the most weight by-far creating the biggest results. So shut-up and show-up so we can go-up.”

“The only predictable thing about human behavior is that human behavior will always be unpredictable.”

“Always remember that when you pray for help to overcome struggle, both God and the Devil hears your prayer and one of them is known for turning up the heat and the other makes sure that it’s not more than you can bear.”
My Book:


If you have NOT a vision of what you could be, then you severally retard your ability to become who and what you should be.

That’s right friends, if you can’t see the big possible picture for yourself, then it matters NOT the discouraging words from someone else.

It matters NOT what you hear if your own internal vision isn’t clear.

Your biggest foe may not be your external Enemy, it just might be your internal “Inner-me”. 🙂

Simply put, the internal conversations and battles that some of us are having with ourselves may be the catalyst for the cloud in our own vision for what’s possible for us and it’s not until we clear away this internal fog will we accomplish our potential purpose and call.

So I invite you to consider starting on the inside and working your way out as you attempt to Make it GREAT! This breadcrumb of wisdom just might be the shovel to dig your way out of an internal funk.

Let’s make the coming weekend so awesome that last weekend gets insanely jealous. Let’s Make it GREAT!


One of the biggest surprises I’ve encountered as an adult was to realize that adults don’t have it all figured out.

As a kid I always felt like adults had their act together and this ‘life’ thing figured out, but now as an adult myself, I see evidence every day that lends to the contrary. In fact, it even at times appears that many adults have two entirely different faces, one for public eyes and another for the private eyes.

That’s right folks, the face that we see at the churches and in the stores can be quite different than the one we see behind closed doors. The voices we hear over the phones may be totally different than the ones we would hear in the homes.

I continue to have many who grace the comfy chairs of my office who wear the biggest of smiles out in public but are living out lives of quiet desperation and exasperation in their private lives. Their cheeky photos and videos may show captions of happiness and joy, but inside they’re screaming “Oh My and Oh BOY!”

I’m reminded of the fact that many people continue to loosely use the phrase, “I’ll treat you like family” in an attempt to gain the trust of another. But, knowing what I know about how some people treat their family behind closed doors, I would much rather be treated like a customer. 🙂

Although this notion reigns true for so many out there in our general public, the tragedy is that most people who are guilty and are in much need of a change may not even know that it’s a problem or recognize that this shoe fits them. As a result, I would simply like to say, “Don’t let it be YOU.”

Realize and recognize that it’s even more important to treat your family and loved ones with respect, dignity and kindness in the house as it is for you to treat the general public when you’re out.

This breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely lead to a more peaceful palace at home and a gentle spirit when you’re gone. So, let’s keep Making it GREAT!
My Book:


What intangible thing that has absolutely no value or worth unless you give it away? Well, it’s quite simply a “Compliment”. A 10-letter-word that is definitely worth much more than its weight in gold.

I encourage you to make a point to give one or two of them away today and make somebody else’s day GREAT! And, you just might find that it makes you smile too. 😉

Let’s Make this hump day soooo awesome that last weeks hump day get’s insanely jealous. Let’s Make it GREAT!
My Book:

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book