Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

On your journey and pursuit of happiness in this “life” thing, be sure to keep the following in mind:

Never forget that it’s ok to bend but don’t break.

Stop to rest but never give up.

Sometimes weep but never whine.

Dislike or Disapprove but never Disrespect.

Control your anger and avoid the danger.

An occasional loss is inevitable but never be defeated.

Smile more, frown less, don’t settle for average always give your best.

Hung a neck, shake a hand, say “Hi” often and make a new friend.

Love more, loathe less, laugh and be happy and you’ll find yourself less stressed.

These are the rules that can get you through,

Because living a life with genuine joy and happiness starts with you.


Have a good night sleep Monique.  Dream a big dream then wake up and make that dream come true,” I said to my daughter a few nights ago.  “Dad, I had a dream last night that I was kidnapped and I definitely don’t want that dream to come true,” she said.  “Well Monique, don’t let the memory of your last bad dream bully you into a mindset of never wanting to sleep again.”  I said with a smile… She was speechless…

This short, benign conversation got me to thinking about a harsh reality uncovered and discovered.  In this life so many people are guilty of failing at something and then allowing the memory of their failure to bully them into seeking a corner of comfort and safety never to take risk again.  Don’t let this be you.

Yes, I’m sure Monique’s dream was probably scary for her, but I can assure you that she continues to brave the act of going back to sleep every night in spite of what happened in the past.  So too should you as it relates to continuing to take reasonable risk and trying to better your lot in this thing called “life”.

So rather it’s a failed marriage, relationship, business venture or a bad choice, I encourage you to get back up and get-on back out there and continue in your tireless efforts to Make it GREAT!


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Is the fast pace of the human race causing you to break a sweat these days?  Is trying to keep up with the “Jones’s” starting to take its toll on your stress level yet?  Do you feel like you’re just one more negative comment away from totally going postal on someone?

Well if this shoe fits, I’d like to encourage you today to stay-in-control.  The worst thing you can do is give your external environment the power to determine your state of mind and manipulate you into feeling funky and stinking thinking.  Sure it’s true that we can’t control what happens around us, but we can absolutely control how we respond and react to those things that happen around us.

So I encourage you to choose to keep your power and control in the coming days and this is sure to increase your chances of making it GREAT!   🙂


Many people expect the answers to the most important questions in life to be Super-Sophisticated but it’s usually Super-Simple. In fact, sometimes the answers may be so simple that we refuse to accept the possibility that it could be our answer.

Yes that’s right friends, many of us appear to have some type of complex for things being complicated and complex and the ‘simple’ just doesn’t register. Hmmm…

So please allow me to issue just a wee-bit of unsolicited advice to those who find themselves convicted on this one.  You may have to simply “dumb it down” just a bit in the days ahead and there you may find your answer.

Just a little small breadcrumb morsel for you today so you can Make it GREAT!

Eat up and keep going up….

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book