I heard an interesting statistic lately stating that the average person will spend 7 to 10 years of their lifetime riding in their vehicles. WOW!!! That’s a lot of time… The way I figure it is that’s enough time to get a College Degree, a Masters Degree and even start on a PHD. Not bad huh?
But the unfortunate reality is that “Most People” will end up wasting and spending their 7 to 10 years of vehicle time listening to stuff that plays very little if any part in making them better. I believe that there are few missed opportunities in life that are bigger than this. As a result, I submit to you today that we should take captive the time in our vehicles and redeem that time for ‘good’.
That’s right friends, we should not just ‘spend’ or ‘waste’ this vehicle time on mindless music and idle chatter but we should ‘invest’ this time in listening to things that are inspirational, motivational, empowering and educational for our benefit and betterment.
Intentionally incorporating such an activity into our daily disciplines can definitely lead us to making it GREAT while “Most People” are just struggling to get by or make it ‘good’. So don’t be “Most People”. Get on out there and turn your vehicle into a traveling university that makes you better everyday in every way and Make it GREAT!